There is Power in Your Desires!

Power in Your Desires

This blog is to build upon last week’s blog … The Power of You and the Universal Law of Attraction. We hope you understand the power you hold to manifest, thus it is important to be clear on what you desire.

The Universal Law of Desire is what one desires, what one wills it to be, and ideally it is aligned with Divine Will. To achieve one’s goals in life, one must first desire them.

In this, desire is …
Energy with
Intention of

It is a feeling, not just a thought. And, without the Universal Law of Intention, desires cannot be manifested. Without desire, intentions cannot be fulfilled. The Universal Law of Intention provides the energy of thought, word, and action. 

The Universal Laws of Desire and Intention create an energetic field and vibration of Pure Potentiality, which has infinite organizing power and possibilities. However, an intention that is not produced in alignment with the foundation of Love and one’s True Self will attract challenges, issues, lessons, and growth opportunities. Or, in other words you will block your Self from what you really want in any aspect of your life.

We ask you to look at the motivations behind your intentions. Are they based in your 3rd Dimension paradigm of ‘shoulds’, owing, personal agendas, ownership, or ‘not enough’ fears, such as not enough love, money, work, etc, “am I good enough?”, lack of worthiness, confidence, and self-esteem? Are you trying to prove something to your Self or others, or pay back to family or society?

Are you unaware of what your motivating factor is behind your intention? If so, we invite you to go back to the point of exploring and discovering what is that you Truly desire. Do you know what kind of relationships you desire . . . with the Divine, your Self, a Beloved, your family, your co-workers, business partners, etc.? If not, then begin asking your Self what is your vision?


Ask questions about what values that you hold, and what qualities do you wish to be, share, and experience. What do they look and feel like, even including tangibles such as touch, taste, and smell. Make a list, create a vision board, paint your canvas, or put together a Universal Manifestation Template.

Once you know your desires, it is time to set the intentions with motivations based on Love … Living Only Vibrant Energy. If it does not create love and joy or your Self and others, then we ask, “Why are you doing it? Why are you creating it?”

When you take the opportunity to consciously ask your Self the questions and observe what is in your life, you now have the power to change it. You can empower your Self by looking at the incongruent energies that may be subconsciously driving you, and by the manifestations that are showing up in your life, which may be incongruent with your desires. 

If underneath, you don’t feel worthy of love, then are you going to attract love? You may attract an individual who shows you that you believe you are not worthy of love i.e. abusive, not loving, honoring, or respectful. The situation and relationship shows you where you are incongruent within thoughts, words, feelings, and actions and the energetic patterns that create the paradigms and belief systems you create within. 

But, if you resolve and heal the energy of your thinking, feeling, beliefs, and patterns of your unworthiness, then you will attract love and relationship you desire. Remember, one of the first things we ask you to do is fall in love with your Self, and then others will follow.

To take this a step further, many lack direction in their life or question their next steps. They may have done all that they thought they ‘should’ do such as with family, careers or business, but feel empty inside. They may have never looked at what is their overall Life Mission. 


Take time to sit with your Self in prayer, meditation, and exploration and healing processes, so you can tap into the essence of who you Are … your SOUL, and what you came to do. This is not to say what you doing now is not part of your Mission, but it does shift over time and as you shift. 

Everything you do is part of it, but if you are feeling loss and don’t know what to do next, it’s time to uplift into a new understanding of and the 5th Dimension consciousness of your Mission. In doing so, you will know how to create from a foundation of Love, thus consciously creating your life and your contribution to others and the world.

You can Consciously Choose to utilize the Laws of Desire, Intention, and Attractionto reflect the Diamond brilliance of who you Truly are, what it is you desire, and your Life Mission. You can create your Diamond life, which is Love aligned with your Divine cell consciousness of all that you are and all that you can create.

It is Truly in your power to ‘BE’ so, to ‘Do’ so.

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