Open to the Magic of Receiving!

Open to the Magic of Receiving!

Think about this …

Are you constantly at odds with the timing of people and events that enter your life?

Do you find your Self meticulously planning every detail, only to be thrown off course by unexpected delays or crises?

Perhaps you’ve even experienced the disappointment of waiting longer than anticipated for something you’ve been eagerly wanted. Or, you have been let down by someone or something that you were counting on.

In this fast-paced world, it’s easy to become frustrated when things don’t go according to your carefully crafted timelines and plan. Maybe you’ve planned things with careful thought to how it’s even going to affect those people around you.

Some even find it difficult when positive things happen that they weren’t expecting. Whether it’s positive or negative, when things happen beyond what you thought or can control, it can cause frustration, upset, or anger.

Like most people, you probably have a lot of plates spinning … some your own and many times for other people. So, when life happens and something unexpected occurs, or one of your plates starts to wobble, it can disrupt your focus and plans. You may even feel like all the plates are coming crashing down. This leads to you wanting to control things and people around you and get back to YOUR plan.

A woman stands in the middle of a number of colored plates spinning on sticks. She is trying to control them to keep them all spinning.  

The Universe chuckles when we do this … yes, it’s important to have a plan, but then it’s just as important to let it go so Divine Timing and Order can occur. There’s so much more than you know going on behind the scenes than you can ever imagine.

You can let go of control and your plan to allow the Universe to guide you and orchestrate what’s in your Highest Order, then magic can occur. And you can allow your Self to receive and fulfill your SOUL’s Purpose and Plan!

Fulfilling Your SOUL’s Purpose & Plan

You are not here just to manifest the things and people that you want. You are here for a reason. Your SOUL has a Purpose and Plan. In knowing this, you can begin to let go of trying to control your life and allow the ALL that wants to come in for you.

Abraham (channeled by Jerry and Ester Hicks) says there are three points to fulfilling your SOUL’s Purpose. It helps you understand what is needed energetically to manifest it.

“The first point in creation is the desire, or asking. That happens just by your association with your experience. So, the asking happens.

The second point is the answering to that asking. Universal forces, some call it God Force, we call it Creative Life Force — always gives the answer in the moment of the asking.

The third point: You, who is asking, must then receive. You must be in the place where you allow the thing that you are asking for.

So, if there’s something that you have been wanting that is not yet manifesting in your experience, it isn’t because of the first or second point. It isn’t because you haven’t asked, and it isn’t because the Universe has not yielded it (yet). It is because you are not in the receiving mode.” 1

Abraham goes on to illustrate their point by likening receiving to having a satellite dish receiver set up correctly. If it’s not at the exact elevation set, it will spin forever and not receive the intended broadcast. Or, think of it like a radio station, if it is not dialed in correctly, then what you get is static versus the music that you want.

Now, this leads us to the question, “Are you open to receive?”.

A quote from Abraham Hicks "“The first point in creation is the desire, or asking. That happens just by your association with your experience. So, the asking happens. The second point is the answering to that asking. Universal forces, some call it God Force, we call it Creative Life Force -- always gives the answer in the moment of the asking. The third point: You, who is asking, must then receive. You must be in the place where you allow the thing that you are asking for. So, if there's something that you have been wanting that is not yet manifesting in your experience, it isn't because of the first or second point. It isn't because you haven't asked, and it isn't because the Universe has not yielded it (yet). It is because you are not in the receiving mode.”

Busting the Myth … It’s Better to Give Than Receive

You may have been taught by your parents, society, cultures, or religions that “it’s better to give than to receive”. This often results in over giving, over doing, and being over responsible. There is a sense of being in control when you do so.

You have a payoff for this … maybe you feel better about your Self, or there’s a better than the other person and you’re in control. It can be a way you build your Self-worth and see your Self as valuable. It is also a way you might be trying to ‘get’ love, recognition, acceptance, or validation.

However, you will deplete your Self and eventually become depressed and resentful about all that you are giving and the lack of receiving. You back your Self in a corner and don’t see a way out.

And, most were NOT taught that when you are open to receive, then you have more to give BUT now it is on your own terms that work for you! Plus, it allows the other person to fulfill their desires to give as well … you are giving them a gift by you receiving their gift!

Give & Receive in Equal Measure

The Universal Law of Giving is giving and receiving as a part of the exchange that perpetuates the energy flow of the Universe. As you are receptive to the premise of giving that which you desire to receive, the abundance of the Universe is perpetuated in your life. You must give to receive, and you must receive in order to give.

The energy of each is equal, and the Universe will respond to either, along with a pull of the energy of the other. The Universe operates through dynamic exchange … giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the Universe. And, in your willingness to give that which you seek, you keep the abundance of the Universe circulating in your life.

The Illusion of Control

The need to be in control stops the ability to receive. Being in control is really an illusion – you can’t control people or circumstances as much as you might try. You can only control your response to a person or any given situation.

The need to control can happen on a small or large scale especially around time. It can be on a trip to the post office when the person in front of you has a complicated parcel, or one of the customer service people goes to lunch. Suddenly you feel like your whole day is disrupted instead of considering there might be a reason for this.

Think of a time when you were delayed and you realized that if you had been on the road at a certain time, you might have been caught in traffic or in an accident. The Universe always has your back especially when it comes to timing.

Or, maybe you feel like you are losing control when … after years in a marriage and one partner leaves the relationship, or in your career when the company you work for goes bankrupt or does layoffs, or there is a major health challenge. You can feel like you and your life are out of control when these things happen.

You may be devastated at first, but we invite you to see the bigger picture. There may be something that the Universe is delivering to you … maybe something to look at, to heal, to move you forward into the more that’s there for you. Maybe there is a new kind of relationship you want in a marriage, or there’s a much better job that you feel inspired and passionate about, or there is a need to take care of your health and body in a better way so the illness was a wakeup call.

You may think you have to control things and people to get what you need and want. You may even give up what you want and need to please others, or to do what you ‘think’ will make them happy. These are all patterns of co-dependency.

Perhaps you think “well maybe one day” but there’s always more stuff to try to control or get done! This can put your egoic mind firmly in a space of not being able to see any other possibilities.

An image of gears within a person's head and a burst of gold light coming from the center of their head.

When your egoic mind is engaged in being in control, it is in a state of purely trying to protect your safety and security. Plus, emotionally you don’t like feeling out of control; this feeling (which can come from a deep lack of Self-worth) drives you to be even more vigilant and demanding.

The need to control has an effect that creates stress within your Physical Body. Using your mind to control everything, to try and anticipate all possible outcomes, and having plans A, B, and C in place is a huge burden on your brain and body. It affects the Adrenal system through the stimulation of corticosteroids; this in turn impacts your nervous system, your pituitary glands, pancreas, and thymus. You can experience headaches or migraines, neurological disorders, sleep disorders as well as a lack of joy in life.

The egoic mind creates blocks ‘the need to know how something will happen’, or ‘why something is happening’ which are forms of controlling. It wants to control your current conditions and have guarantees and certainty in life. The irony is this narrows your perception and options rather than being able to allow in opportunities and people beyond your imagination who can help you.

And, your need to control thwarts your ability to receive. You are trying to figure out in your mind how to get something done or to achieve what you want.

Trust Your Intuition

Observing how much your egoic mind tries to control everything is the starting point for healing and being open to receiving. Once you begin to see how much of your mental and emotional energy is spent on trying to control your process and what’s going on in your life and business, you can Consciously Choose to begin to make small changes in letting go, allowing, and being open to receive.

Perhaps you will …

• Choose to take care of your Self first even if there’s a lot to do.
• Allow your Self to receive a gift from another person versus being the one who always does the giving and doing.
• Not try to control others or situations and allow what wants to come forward in your Highest Order and Divine Timing.

Many times, the conditioning and programming from your childhood experiences causes you to feel like a victim and/or have a need to control everything around you. If you grew up in an alcoholic (or even with a parent who is an Adult Child of an Alcoholic – ACA) or abusive family, there’s definitely a need to control your environment and the people around you. Plus, there may be experiences you need to resolve from a past life or ancestral lineage as well.

Here is a SOUL-ution for this … stepping into a mindset of being a Co-Creator (and Creator) will put you in a different orientation to your environment rather than feel like (or choose to be) a victim.

You realize that anyone or anything in your life, you have actually co-created it. If it’s something or someone that you don’t like or want, then you have the power to change it. It’s your responsibility (the ability to respond) on both fronts – what you created and what you want to create. When you ‘own’ this, it opens the door to choose and manifest what you desire.

Recognizing when you’re going into control mode, you can choose to let go and be open to receive new insights and possibilities. When you are open to receiving rather than controlling, you can then tune into your intuition which is connected to your SOUL’s Essence and the Divine.

A woman meditating with one had over her head and another on her heart.

What comes to you might be outside the box, or even may seem irrational to your controlling mind that can’t ‘see’ the bigger picture. This comes from the Higher state of consciousness and knowingness within you.

As you take small steps to trust your intuition then your connection to Divine guidance gets stronger. You may even find that your Clair-Gifts such as clairvoyant (seeing) or clairaudient (hearing) capacities expand. This is when you are aligning with 5th Dimension energies of Love, synchronicity, and flow. You feel all is in Divine Order and you allow the unfoldment of the co-creative process within Divine Timing.

You put your Self and your life first, rather than try to control your environment and others. You trust that others will be taken care of when you take care of you. You trust the Universe knows what you want and need, as well as the other person. Each has their own journey and it’s not your job to control theirs … it is your job to show up in your life and to live it fully!

An orange mailbox sits with the door open and the word 'You' written on the outside. There is an envelope inside that says 'from the universe' and sealed with a gold heart.

How Can You Receive Your ALL?

You may be able to notice your controlling ‘monkey mind’ but sometimes patterns are harder to change than ‘just think different thoughts”. One of the things your egoic mind loves to control is that around Love and money. And, when it’s active, it energetically blocks you from what you want.

Mary Morrissey, when talking about blocks that hinder our success says “The thing about hidden blocks, they’re hidden. You don’t recognize when they’re operating and how they’re actually creating a push away. In the absence of even knowing what they are, it just creates more of the same.”2

So, let’s talk about how to let go of control and allow your Self to utilize your intuition and be able to receive what you Truly want.

Your ability to receive is connected to having your Chakras and Energy Bodies cleared and aligned. The Gravitational Body helps you to attract and repel energies, opportunities, resources, people, and experiences.

The Gravitational Body goes out of energetic alignment when another Energy Body is compromised and out of balance. When you feel you are not attracting what you Truly desire, always check to see if your Gravitational Body is in alignment with Love, your Highest Order, and greatest potential.

If it is out of alignment, your Gravitational Body can repel what your desires are and attract what ends up becoming a lesson and a growth opportunity for you. When it is in alignment, it repels the experiences that you no longer need to encounter, so that’s the good news! In addition, when your Gravitational Body is in alignment, it is easier to attract and receive your abundance and what you want.

Your 6th Chakra – Third Eye also assists you to receive and tap into your intuition. It is important to have your 6th Chakra optimized and open so your vision, intuition, and trust can guide you. In addition, your feminine energies will be open to receive, and your masculine energies can help you manifest.

Why is this important? Everyone and everything is made of energy. Energy has a frequency to it and creates a vibration. Sacred Geometry is the construct of the energetic matrix of the Universe – and therefore it’s also a representation of YOU!

An adamantine particle is the most minute form of energy in the Universe. Your SOUL is a unique set of adamantine particles, which retains all experiences and your interpretation of your experiences, conditioning, and programming. If you have deemed an experience as positive, then your adamantine particles are aligned with Love and your Original Divine Blueprint.

However, if you interpreted the experience as unfavorable or negative in some way, it becomes ‘wired up’ as a negative vibration and is your ‘story’. Negative experiences will skew your adamantine particles and create an ‘out-of-alignment’ with Love and your Original Divine Blueprint.

The result is an incomplete energetic cycle that has formed a pattern and a ‘wiring,’ which is in disharmony with your True Self … your SOUL’s Essence and Divine Blueprint. The energy pattern constricts and restricts, rather than allowing flow and expansion.

This can create that ‘push away’ energy that Mary Morrisey talked about and can be at your core need to control. It creates the hidden blocks that get into the way of you attracting what you Truly want.

But, we have another SOUL-ution for you! Utilizing the Energy Codes of The Diamond Co-Creative System® takes you beneath the mental and emotional patterns of control which are creating from fear and the past. It can heal the constrictive energy patterns in your Chakras and Energy Bodies at their point of origin. It can help resolve the trauma and pains of the past.

As you heal and realign, your Gravitational Body can come back into alignment to attract what you want and you’re open to receive all the Universe wants to deliver to you. Your 6th Chakra can open to receive the visions that your SOUL and the Universe has for you.

You can trust your intuition and the egoic mind lets go of the need to control. You trust Divine Order and Divine Timing. You trust in the unknown who allows your Self to receive the many gifts that the Universe has in store for you! You are open to receive your ALL!

I invite you to join us for the January meeting of the Diamond Code Club on 1/2/2024 where we will be talking about the Energy Code of Receive. In the Diamond Code Club, I help you learn how to work with, and play(!) with, The Diamond Co-Creative System®. You learn how to use this sacred geometry to clear mental and emotional patterns that have been preventing you from achieving your dreams and desires, and fully expressing your Soul’s Essence and your ALL!


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