The Power of You

The Power of You

Remember, you are a multi-dimensional being! You are creating and co-creating beyond what you can see and what you know. This is the alchemical magic of the Universe.

What you focus upon is what you createThe Universal Law of Attraction is one of basic laws of manifestation that fuel the energy of attraction. It is important to lay a strong foundation of what it is that you want to attract and understand the energetics behind the creative process. Without this foundation, you will attract quite the opposite of what you want in your life.

The primary and key element of a solid foundation is Love. Otherwise, you will be build upon the quick sand of fear. Fear has so many ways to undermine and convolute what you are attempting to achieve and manifest.


When you think about and feel into the energy of Love, how would you describe it? We would defined it as Living Only Vibrant Energy. The feeling of it can be described as warm, fuzzy, soft, joyous, fun, playful, inspirational, motivating, enthusiastic, energizing, just to name a few. Do you see and feel this in your life, with your Self, with relationships, with your vocation, and what you’re here to contribute? 

Now, let’s go back to the Law of Attraction . . . like attracts like. What you’re thinking, feeling, believing, saying, and doing creates your reality … what you focus upon manifests. 


You have the Power within to conjure what you desire. However, one key ingredient in the art of manifestation is to know what you Truly want. It is important to gain clarity about your desires. And, to imagine beyond what you know, or think you can have or create. Our reminder to you is that this Universe is infinite and there is so much more here for you.

You also have the Power to believe that you are worthy and deserving of all that you desire. Many of you have bought into your earth’s 3rd Dimension paradigm built on the foundation of fear that you have to earn it, that you have to prove it, or that you have to show up or be a certain way, in order to manifest what you want.

We would invite you to believe differently. You are worthy and deserving, just because you are YOU … you are an aspect of the Divine and of Love. You mission if you so choose it … is to believe that this is so and to know that you have the Power to create anything you want that is in your Highest Order and that which centers around being and expressing the love that you Truly are.

And, lastly, you have the Power to ask for assistance. We, as well as the Divine and your own Spirit Guides, are here to help you. You do not need to live life and to do it alone. We are here for you, but you must commune with us and ask us for help.

We love you so much and you are an important part in the transference of Love and Higher frequency energies to ascend into the 5th Dimension (and beyond), so to uplift your Humanity into Oneness and Unity Consciousness.

Plus, we are assisting you with so many wonderous tools and techniques, such as this one as well as what others teach, to create more and more love and all you desire in your life. And, to be a contribution to your world.

You have the Power to Consciously Choose to ‘BE’ your Power! 

The Guides & The Councils