Contribution to Others & the Planet
Around the World

Co-Create Your Success is dedicated to contributing to others and to the planet. We have ’causes’ that we support in various ways. We believe … ‘We are All One’, so being of service and of contribution are core values of our organization.

In addition, we do provide partial scholarships to various programs, such as our Evolve Your All 5th Dimension Mentorship program which provides the opportunities to move from scarcity to abundance, from fear to love, from confusion to living a purpose filled life, and so much more, including being a part of a like-minded, heart-centered community!

Contact us if you, or someone you know requires assistance.

An Amazing Organization that We Support!

Girl Up Initiative Uganda (GUIU), founded in 2012, runs three programs in Kampala that aim to empower adolescent girls and young women through education, leadership skills, and economic empowerment.

Co-Create Success has partnered with GUIU’s Adolescent Girls Program (AGP), an in-school program that focuses on building adolescent girls’ capacities for individual empowerment and social survival, especially in patriarchal environments that do not value and respect the rights of girls and women.

The AGP initiative addresses gender inequality head on to ensure that women and girls become advocates for their human rights and build their Self-esteem and Self-worth.

The outcome is a harmonious and informed community of confident, aspirational independent girls and women. They learn how to thrive and be Self-reliant and sufficient.

Amanda Slade and Co-Create Your Success make annual and monthly contributions to this important cause … and YOU can too! By our Diamond Co-Creator Community members supporting the AGP Initiative too, you are creating a new movement of female leaders who will have the Self-esteem and confidence to not only transform their own lives, but those of their families, friends, communities, and country.

Click Here to see more pictures!
Click Here to watch a video about Monica & the girls
with Michelle Obama on the Today Show!

  Click Here to Donate!

The Diamond Co-Creator Community has donated over $14,000 since June 2020 …
we thank you for your generosity!

We will send you the gift of a Himalayan Salt Heart
for any donation of $25/month for a year, or $300 for the year!