The Power of Your Choice!

Power of Choice

There is power in your choice. And, you have the power to make a Conscious Choice.

There are some who defer or give up their power … to others, to society, to governments, to their jobs, to their relationships, and even to money. You might even give up the power to make a decision or a choice, because you are afraid of power, especially your own power. We would say to you … you always, and in all ways, have the power. You can choose to claim and stand within your power.

Power of Choice 1

Now, it is important to understand the source of your power may be egoic-based, in which we would caution you to become aware of what is truly motivating you. Is it fear, ‘should’, have to, or the need to prove something to someone (including your Self)? Is it looking for love, approval, or validation from the outside world? Therefore, many fear their power because they see how others impose their will and power upon another. Much of this is from your 3rd Dimension programming and conditioning passed down from generation to generation.

But, we share with you … as you do your healing and transformation, this can shift into a heart-centered power, which is SOUL-Aligned and sourced from Love … 5th Dimension vibrations. The choice is to heal the past and not drag it into the present. As you do so, you unearth your inherent power that is within you … your Divine Power.

When you are reactive, or triggered by someone or something, you cannot stand in your power. Your power and energy is depleted and drained. Know that when a reaction occurs, it is calling forth the internal healing that wants to be done. There is an energetic misalignment within you (not the other person) that wants to be addressed. It is alerting you that you are not connected to the power of who you Truly are.

In this month, many of you are ‘playing’ with the Power Energy Code of The Diamond Co-Creative System® from the Diamond Code Club and with the Elevation Principle & Code of Harmony & Balance in your Evolve Your ALL 5th Dimension Mentorship program. They actually go hand in hand. We shared about the Universal Law of Harmony in which you can only be in harmony if you make a Conscious Choice to do so.

To create harmony within, it is a discipline to not be judgmental, impose your will, or project upon another. By doing so, you can gain neutrality regardless of what others think about you or do, and what is going on around you. You can choose non-attachment with that person or situation.

Power of Choice

In a state of non-attachment, you begin to “live in the world, but not of the world”. You can maintain an inner state of peace, harmony, and tranquility. You are also able to maintain a state of harmlessness in all that you are and do … you are mindful of your own thoughts, perceptions, and projections.

It is your choice to allow to not be triggered or impacted by others. And, if you are, it is then your choice to heal that within you which allows this to occur. Again, you have the power to choose and there is power in your choice!

We urge you to become connected to your heart-centered power and to that of Love, no matter what or whom. In this … you become the change in your own life and in the world.

Practicing and living in peace, balance, and harmony is a discipline and a choice in Higher consciousness and actions. The choice is always yours … Love or fear, High or low vibrations, separation or Unity within your Self and with others.

This is the power of your choice!

The Guides & The Councils