Choose Compassion as Your Guiding Principle!


We want to share with you the Universal Law of Compassion. What we have noticed is the lack of Compassion you have for others and your world, let alone for your Self. Thus, we are offering you the perspective of what Compassion can bring to you and your world.

We ask you … “what if today was your loved one’s last day here on earth, or for that matter, your last day? How would you treat your Self or another differently? Would you forgive and let go of past pains, worries, traumas, and ill wills of your Self, or one another? Would any of the past really matter?”

So, how does your consciousness shift, if you were to approach others and your Self by invoking the Universal Law of Compassion to be your guiding principle and Love to be your guiding Light?

Within the consciousness of Compassion, there is Love free of conditions … there is understanding and acceptance, and there is no judgment of your Self or others. There is an invocation of one’s True Nature which, of course, is Divine Love.


Compassion is the vibration of Love that flows through one’s heart to every one and every thing, regardless of who they are … it does not see the past or their thoughtforms and beliefs, nor does it see race nor color, rich or poor, or better than or less than. 

Compassion flows through your heart as you connect with the Divine and your True Self … your Divine Essence or what is the Diamond Brilliance of who you Truly Are … the Divine-cell consciousness within you. It allows you to be in a vibration that releases the light of wisdom into a field of knowledge, which can enrich one’s life and the world. Compassion assists in creating a Unified field of Love which has a global impact.

With Compassion, you embody a state of harmlessness. You can bring forth global healing to all of Humanity and to your Mother Earth. As you embrace a state of Compassion, the level of healing offered to the rest of Humanity will increase exponentially.

When you allow your Self to be compassionate with your Self and with others, then suffering, strife, lack, and drama within your life will cease to exist. It allows the freedom for you to be in the observance and awareness of what is really occurring within your life, and free of the filters from the past, pain, and trauma. 

The filters are the results of your experiences in which you decide whether they were positive or negative. These create belief systems and patterns that affect your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions.

You have heard of rose-colored glasses. Well, your filters are the glasses through which you decipher each experience that you have, which may or may not be the Truth of what is Truly occurring in this present moment. If you activate the Law of Compassion, you can see beyond what you perceive as True based on the past.

The Universal Law of Compassion can give you relief, if you Consciously Choose to live in Compassion and ‘BE’ compassionate with your Self, as well as with others and in the world. In that, you are invoking Love to guide you, rather than your fears. We invite you to do so.

The Guides & The Councils