Shine Your Light & Shift Your Life & The World !

Within you is your Light … actually your Diamond Light … the brilliance of who you Truly are. We know that over time and through the old conditioning and programming of your 3rd Dimensional paradigm, it may have been snuffed out by others, your society or cultures, or even through your past experiences.

But, this is a different time that you are in … there are Higher frequencies that you can choose to operate, create, and live within such as the 5th Dimension, which is supported through the Aquarian Age that is upon you. This is the time to awaken to more of who you are … to allow for your Divinity to come forth – to shine your Diamond Light out into the world.

When you do so, you not only help others and Humanity, you shift your own life. Why? Because you are choosing to live in Higher frequencies. You are choosing to focus on Love versus fear. You are choosing what is possible rather than being steeped within a problem.

We say to you again, “For any problem or challenge, there is always and in all ways a SOUL-ution.” Challenges occur for you to learn, grow, and evolve, so you are in more alignment with your True Self … your SOUL’s Essence and what is in your Highest Order and Infinite Diamond Potential.

You may be experiencing a lot of chaos in your own life and witnessing it within in the world. The chaos is unraveling the old and what no longer serves. It is the dissolution, so that new form and structure can be created.

Welcome it rather than fight against it, or get caught up in the confusion and destruction of it. Ask your Self, “What is this showing me and what is the gift and opportunity it is giving me?”

In that, you will not get mired in the negativity or the fear of the unknown. In that, you can Consciously Choose to shine your light within any given situation and into the world. In that, you can be the Expression of your SOUL’s Essence, which is Love.

‘BE’ Conscious in your choices of what you focus upon and choose to unveil the Diamond Light within you to shine!
The Guides & The Councils