The Art of Being Thankful!


As you enter into your holiday season, we want to express our gratitude for you being on the planet. For you being the unique being that you are. For you being the expression of Love and Light and sharing it out into the world.

We hope you take this time to thank your Self for we know many of you have gone through challenging times as you grew up, and throughout the years, especially in the last three years. But, know that this does always make you stronger (and even more wise), and it makes you the person that you are today.

It also becomes a Conscious Choice for you to decide that you want more in your life than your current condition or circumstance. It is what we love about you the most is that you can make a choice, and you typically will choose to create MORE love, joy, peace, prosperity, and abundance.

Thankful Blog

We remind you that at this time to be grateful for all that you DO have, and not focus on what you don’t. Be grateful for others that are in your life (even the ones that might be challenging … they give you the gift of practicing ‘BE’-ing Love, kind, and in acceptance of who they are and ‘what is, is’).

It’s the small things, the small stepsand being in gratitude for them that leads you to the bigger pieces, bigger success, and the bigger picture of your life. This is the art of being thankful.

It is also the remembrance that there is always MORE available, if you choose to ask the Universe (and us and your Guides) for help. It is your courage to go into the unknown that we are so grateful for, because you are the ones who will help shift your own life, your world, and the whole of Humanity.

Thank you again for being you and for choosing to be on the planet at this time … we are most grateful.

Many Blessings to you and yours during your holiday season!
The Guides & The Councils