Anchor In Your Diamond Light Especially in These Times!

Anchor In Your Diamond

You on earth are in the midst of quite a ‘shake-up’ and we would invite you to take the time to discover what is True for you. You are in the midst of the greatest evolution of Humanity at this time.

This is a time to let go and release what no longer works or serves, both individually and collectively. You must release the toxicity … on the planet, within your structures and systems, as well as within your own thoughts, feelings, and Physical Body.

This is the collapse of the old (3rd Dimension), so the new (5th Dimension) can be birthed. You cannot hold onto to what you know and what you have believed in the past … it is no longer in alignment to your awakening and Ascension process.

The 5th Dimension is the Higher frequency of Light and Love that is assisting you, so remember you are not on your own … your are being supported by us and the Universe. You are being prompted to heal the past and to find out what you REALly want … Realized Energies Aligned with Love. You are being asked to upgrade and lift your frequencies into your own Diamond Light and Diamond consciousness … the brilliance of who you Truly are!

This is the time to anchor in your own Divine (Diamond) Truth … to create the life you are here to live. Going within is the pathway to find out what you are Truly passionate about, and what your next step is to live more and more within your SOUL’s Purpose and Light.

This is NOT a time of gloom and doom. Although, we know it may look and feel like it especially if you hold onto what you think you know, or have a need to control your process. If it is so in your life, this is when you are choosing to stay in struggle, suffering, or pain, even when all around you is showing you that this is not the way any more.

We invite you to literally unfurl your fingers that are holding on tightly, so you can fly free into the Infinite Possibilities that are yours to claim. If you allow your Self to fly, you can align with and energetically anchor in your Diamond Light, along with your passion and purpose, which all provides you with the wind under your wings to soar.

And, as we have said before, this is all a choice. If you make a Conscious Choice to soar, then it will be easier and you won’t be sucked into the perceived gloom and doom that is being portrayed. The death of the ‘old’ is actually the transformation to birth the new.

Keep reminding your Self to go beyond the collapse and anchor in your Diamond Light and Love to guide you. Keep making the Conscious Choice to do so!

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