How to Liberate Your Self-Expression & Embody Self-Love

How to Liberate Your Self Expression & Embody Self-Love!


Self-Expression is your way that you express who you are in the world. You can express your Self in fearful or loving ways and in authentic or in disingenuous ways. 

You express your Self with your …

  •  Words
  •  Feelings
  •  Thoughts and beliefs
  •  Actions
  •  Mannerisms
  •  Wardrobe
  •  Lifestyle
  •  Creativity
  •  Vocation
  •  Contribution to the world

Initially, much of the way you express your Self is taught to you … what you ‘should’ and ‘should’ not do or say. However, there is an inherent and intrinsic part of you … your SOUL’s Essence that will pierce the veils of what is taught so you claim the freedom to be YOU!

The Importance of Self-Expression

You are unique. You came here to express your SOUL’s vibrational signature and energies through who you are and what you do. 

Self-Expression has a deep relationship with your Self-Trust and Self-Love. As you trust and love your Self even more, then you will express who you are more fully regardless of what others say about you. You build a strong foundation of trust, love, and belief in your Self and you ‘know’ who you are and what you came here to do.

However, most of us grew up in co-dependency and in co-dependent families, societies, and cultures. With co-dependency, we look to the outside for our love, acceptance, approval, validation, and a sense of belonging. We were taught to follow the rules, the norm, and do not go outside the box. We were NOT taught to authentically express our feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.

Most learn to ‘couch’ who they are and what they say and do … to not to rock the boat. Slowly, but surely, your sense of Self erodes and so does your trust and love of Self. Ultimately, a wounded Self-Expression means a loss of freedom to be you. 

But, in learning how to love and trust your Self again by healing the past and the erroneous patterns that you developed, you can ignite your AUTHENTIC Self-Expression once again. You can authentically choose how you’re feeling, thinking, believing, speaking, and doing.

You can choose reaction or response; you can choose to remain neutral despite what someone does, projects, or says. You can even be proactive and be in charge of your destiny, rather than be impacted by the aftermath of someone else’s choices. The results within your life are through your own Free Will and Choice.

How to Open Up Your Self-Expression

Making a Conscious Choice is the key to healing a wounded sense of Self-Expression. Each time you Consciously Choose your authentic Self-Expression, you begin to clear all the past ‘charged’ experiences that blocked your True Self-Expression. 

Watch your mental Self-talk. If you realize that you have a lot of worry, judgments, criticisms, and Self-doubt, then you know that your egoic mind has been triggered by something or someone it sees as unsafe. Your egoic mind is always trying to protect you and to provide safety of some sort. 

When it does so, most likely, you haven’t been able to express your OWN choice, wisdom, or creativity … usually it is that of conditioning and programming. This is NOT an authentic expression of you.

Feeling fearful is another clue that you’re in a situation where you don’t feel heard or seen, or your co-dependent needs to be loved, accepted, or validated are present and invoke fear. Anticipating rejection can leave you feeling in a bind where you simultaneously don’t feel heard, supported, or loved. This blocks your authentic Self-Expression and can literally stop you in your tracks.

A woman has her hands up to her chin and a very worried look on her face. There are squiggles across her brown and in her hair to illustrate mental activity. She is not confidant in her self-expression.

As you do your work to discover your authentic voice by unraveling the past, conditioning, and programming, your True expression opens. Eventually, you don’t really care if they love you, or even like you. You live your life, not theirs. You’re committed to making your Self happy, not them. You realize the only one taking care of you is YOU. 

It sometimes takes courage to express your True Self. Author Brene Brown says, “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.”1 

It is your Conscious Choice to reconnect with who you are which means allowing your Self to build an inner reservoir of trust and love. In that, you are FREE to be YOU!

Take our FREE Co-Dependency Survey to find out how co-dependency may be running you at:

More About How Your Authentic Self-Expression Gets Shut Down …

There are so many ways we shut down who we Truly are and the ways we express ourselves. Do you sometimes feel like you have so much pent-up inside that you can’t say? There can be so many little ways that you get frustrated, irritated, or even angry every day! 

You can even feel ignored, mistreated, or sometimes victimized. But you just can’t speak up … what you want to say gets caught in your throat … the words are never spoken. It’s like you have the conversation in your head but not out loud with the other person. In co-dependency you believe they should be able to read your mind and know what you’re feeling. Of course, that’s not the way it works.

Maybe, you don’t know what to say, or how to say it … so you cannot be your True Self-Expression. You’re barely aware that it’s possible be your authentic Self. And, possibly don’t even know what it means to be YOU.

Eventually though … it’s all going to come out in one way or another. You slowly get more judgmental and critical of your Self and others. You doubt who you are and what you do. Fear takes over and you become more confused and frustrated with your Self, others, and life in general. Finding ways of avoiding these stored-up thoughts and emotions gets harder and harder.

And, if you continue to shut your Self down (or let others do it), you get to the point of not feeling your feelings, or even thinking for your Self. You get lost in relationships and in life, not knowing who you are and what you even want and need.

Plus, if you bury your feelings long enough, eventually there will be an explosion of some sort which can look like ‘vomiting’ all over another for something they may or may not have even done. You projectile all your pent-up emotions. It’s that final straw, or as I like to put that ‘towel on the floor’ that you’re so angry about that you finally explode.

You can no longer ignore it, be polite, and please everyone else but your Self. You’re finally forced to deal with your emotions. The authenticity is the acceptance of the anger, upset, rage, disappointment, or sadness that you may be feeling towards your Self or another but are not expressing. You can discover ways to express them in loving, healthy, and kind ways versus the explosion as you tap into your authenticity of what you’re feeling and thinking.

Liberating the Blocks to Your Self-Expression

You never get away from you. The feelings and thoughts that are roiling around within you will always be there until you address them. Incidents in your life that became ‘charged’ because you stuffed what was going on for you and did not express your Self get stored in your cellular memory as negative experiences.

Negative experiences become part of the egoic mind’s system of what you need to avoid in the future to protect you from harm. It becomes part of your beliefs which then skew your perceptions. The way you think, feel, and see become your behaviors and habits, which affect your outcomes. It becomes a vicious circle until you disrupt the patterns.

Quote from Brene Brown about self-expression. "Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage".

When your Self-Expression is wounded or blocked, then you can feel lost or wonder who you really are. Most of us were taught to be who we are by people who really didn’t know who they were. They just passed on their co-dependencies, conditioning, and programming … they did the best they could with what they had.

You become blocked with all sorts of fears, pain, ‘shoulds’, expectations, and judgments based on what you have observed and experienced. For some, you didn’t have healthy role models to show you the way and you may have not felt safe to express what you Truly felt and thought. You may have even been schussed and not encouraged to express that beautiful Self within you.

I had a choir teacher abruptly stop in the middle of a rehearsal and tell me to sing softer because I wasn’t good. Can you imagine what that did to a seventh grader shamed in front of everyone especially in front of the boy I had a crush on that was the star in our choir? It shattered what little confidence and belief in my Self I had as a teenager as well as the love to express myself through singing. This was a way that my Self-Expression was wounded for over 30 years!

You can even have your Self-Expression blocked by your past life experiences. Maybe you were a powerful leader, teacher, or healer, and found that people shamed, shunned, and maimed you due to how you expressed who you were and in what you did. Therefore, the fear of being you again can affect the way you express your Self this lifetime. And the negative remembrances reside within your cellular memory which yearns to be healed and completed.

You have hundreds of opportunities each day for Self-Expression. But will it be the expression based on fear, or authenticity no matter who or what? If you have trouble with Self-Expression, it could be that part of your purpose in this life is to clear it at a karmic level, so you are complete and can move forward into True Expression.

Is Your Throat Chakra Open or Closed? 

The primary Chakra that can be impacted by wounded Self-Expression is the 5th Chakra … your Throat Chakra. This Chakra can be impacted by your Karmic/Causal Energy Body which carries the memories and consciousness of all lifetimes at a cellular level. 

A blocked or shut down Throat Chakra can affect the authentic expression of who you Truly are … your SOUL’s Essence. Instead of being able to express your SOUL’s energies, the egoic mind manages your Self-Expression from a place of fear. This can show up as distrust, judgmental, critical, worry, agitation, confusion, arrogance, self-righteousness, and even aggression.

If it’s hard to see the how you may be blocked, think about all the times you may have wanted to

  •  say “No”, but said “Yes” in order to please someone or to be liked
  •  disagreed with a statement and had your own view but said nothing
  •  ‘couched’ what you said in order to feel safe or had a need to belong
  •  felt disrespected or your boundaries not honored but didn’t stand up for your Self
  •  kept your creativity to your Self or discounted the value of what you offer

The reasons you might do this vary but most of it comes back to issues of love, safety, and security. It may be things like:

  •  saying “No” threatens your survival such as the potential of losing a job or a relationship
  •  disagreeing means the possible loss of love and support of a community, family, or loved one
  •  there are so many different opinions that you feel confused and doubt your Self
  •  the way you see things is SO different from everyone else and Self-Expression might mean rejection or abandonment
  •  attempts at Self-Expression are met with criticism and judgment which leads to the lack of your own Self-Trust and Self-Love

The outcome of having a wounded Self-Expression can lead to you becoming judgmental, critical, and controlling. This can lead to passive/aggressive behaviors. Having denied your Self authentic Self-Expression, the Throat Chakra becomes an expression of woundedness, protection, and inauthenticity. You are not ‘BE’-ing who you Truly are due to fears.

But, you always have a choice.

The Universal Law of Choices

Although many times, Self-Expression is associated with words, the Universal Law of Choices lets you know that your decisions are made with your actions, not your words. It Truly is about “walking your talk”. It is about choosing your authentic Self-Expression or not.

Your intuition can guide you to your True Expression if you listen to it and follow it. Your intuition is your inner Wisdom and does not live in fear. It is guided by your SOUL’s Essence and the Divine. It trusts and knows what’s True for you from a vibration of Love. 

You can Consciously Choose to follow your intuition, or you can resist it. If you resist what your intuition is guiding you to do, in favor of resisting something unknown, conflict, or avoiding judgment from others, then there can be consequences that result from your choices. This, of course, affects your Self-Expression … are you hiding or are you willing to express what you’re feeling and thinking? 

Some of your choices may lead down an easy path, while others can take you down a path of challenges in which there are lessons to learn. This allows you to grow spiritually and to evolve in your Mastery. And, it allows you to choose how you will express your Self.

Wayne Dyer said “The opposite of courage is not so much fear as it is conformity”2. He understood that growing spiritually sometimes means risking an expression of non-conformity on the road to freedom.

Eventually, you will be led back into alignment with all Universal Laws. You must recognize that each choice that you make, either action or inaction, and consciously or unconsciously will have consequences. Your willingness to accept those consequences gives you complete freedom of Choice!

You have the power to choose who you are, where you will be, and what you will do. No one or no thing can have power over you unless you give it to them, or take it from you if you don’t allow them to do so. Once you realize and accept this, then life changes from feeling that other people or situations control you, to one of blessings which is full of Infinite opportunities and possibilities. In that, miracles and freedom occur!

A woman in a yellow t-shirt with blond curly hair stands facing sideways with a mega phone in her hand and her mouth open and smiling as if she is happy with her self-expression. She has a glowing circle across her chest with a silhouette of a person holding out their arms inside.

You have choices and freedom in Self-Expression in ALL areas of your life such as …

  •  the feelings you decide to show or hold back,
  •  the quality of your thoughts to dwell upon,
  •  the beliefs you decide to follow and the perceptions that you have,
  •  the types of relationships you want to engage in and develop,
  •  what foods you want to eat, what to wear, and how to express your Self,
  •  the events you want to attend and how you want to set up your day,
  •  how you are with money and your finances,
  •  what your vocation is and what work you want to do,
  •   what you want to contribute to others and the world,
  •  and so much more … the list goes on and on.

You even have the choice to step into your SOUL’s Purpose and Plan for this lifetime … to be your full Self-Expression. You have the Free Will to accept or deny what you originally planned before you incarnated. 

Sometimes, the egoic mind, which may not be fully awakened yet, will block you from stepping into your Infinite Potential because of the fear it holds of the unknown and what it knows to be familiar. And, as we’ve said it can thwart your authentic Self-Expression.

It is YOU who must Consciously Choose differently and decide that you will take the path of your SOUL’s calling and direction. It is always your choice … even the Divine cannot mandate it otherwise. Again, part of your True Self-Expression and choosing who and what you will express.

It’s Time to Claim Your Authentic Voice & True Self-Expression!

When you address what is going on within you energetically … you can reconnect with your Self-Trust and Self-Love in your Heart, Mind, and SOUL. These vibrations can expand and be expressed through your Throat Chakra which opens it up for True Self-Expression – who you really are and who you came here to be.

This also reverberates down into your power center – your Solar Plexus Chakra with heart-centered power, and expansion into the creative energies of your Sacral Chakra. This brings stabilization to your Root Chakra, so that you find safety and security within, rather than outside of you.

We utilize the Energy Codes of The Diamond Co-Creative System® to help with this healing and transformation. You can learn about and experience the Codes at our Diamond Code Club. 

We love the Expression Energy Code to help the Throat Chakra to open back up and have the freedom to express what you Truly think and feel. It also works with your Karmic/Causal Body to help heal the past so you can ‘BE’ YOU! 

It liberates you to ‘BE’ your authentic voice and claim your True Self-Expression! We invite you to check it out …


1 – Brown, Brene. (2018) Rising Strong: The Reckoning. The Rumble. The Revolution.

2 – Dyer, Wayne. (2006) Hay House. Everyday Wisdom for Success.