The Secrets of How Manifestation Really Works

The Secrets of How Manifestation Really Works

In last month’s blog, we looked at some tips to hone your manifesting techniques. In this follow up we take a deeper look and let you in on a few secrets as to how manifestation works.

Two hands holding a solar system with an image of a person doing yoga overlaid to represent how manifestation works

Manifestation is a Co-Creative Process Within You

Manifestation is a process. And, it’s a co-creative process both within you and with the Universe.

Manifestation is an ‘inner job’ first which manifests on the outside in the world. Think of it like lining up all your ducks in a row energetically within you so what you desire can manifest … it’s about a vibrational congruency.

Remember, you are always manifesting … but are you manifesting what YOU really want? If what you intended is not happening, then it’s likely you’re not in energetic alignment with what you are asking for … there is not a vibrational match.

Part of this lining up your ducks is working with what we call your Inner Family. Did you know that you have different energetic aspects of you? You are co-creating with them all the time because they each bring different energetic qualities to the process of creation and manifestation.

You may not have even realized these aspects of you are contributing to the sum of the whole. They are the …
Masculine Energetic who is the ‘Doer’, Protector, Provider, Mind, and Thoughts
Feminine Energetic who is the Intuitive, Gatherer, Nurturer, Heart, and Feelings
Inner Child Energetic who is the Play, Fun, Adventurer, Explorer, and Innocence

If any one of these aspects has resistance or other energetic misalignments that are incongruent with what you want, then it’s more difficult to manifest the results you want. For instance, if the Masculine berates himself that he’s not good enough or does enough, then you might be trying to manifest something in which you don’t feel you’re good enough or worthy to have.

If the Feminine doesn’t listen to and follow her (your) intuition, then you might go down the path of the ‘shoulds’ rather than follow your heart which leads you a better outcome (even it seems irrational or illogical). Or, if the Inner Child feels like what you want is going to be a lot of work and no fun, then she/he will not be on board in what you want to accomplish and will sabotage things along the way.

Manifesting is also an evolution so as you evolve, your outcomes will too. It’s about energetically building a vision – it’s not ‘one and done’. As you address what is going on within you, then you become a vibrational match to your desire (and even MORE). That’s one secret of how manifestation works.

What Gets in the Way of Manifesting Your Desires?

Your beliefs about life shape how you perceive the world around you and contribute to your results. Beliefs can be “so deeply embedded in your subconscious that you are not even aware of them. They control your thoughts, behaviors, attitudes, and reactions.” 1 And, some (or even many) of them can be outdated which erroneously fuels your energetic patterns and what your egoic mind thinks and believes.

There may also be emotional blocks that need to be addressed and energetically healed. When you energetically resolve an issue which is fueled by thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, you can move into an alignment with Higher vibrations from the 5th Dimension and what you desire.

You may also find that your initial desires came from 3rd Dimensional frequencies and motivations such as fear, survival, or trying to escape pain or your past. If so, then your initial intentions and desires might want to be refined into Higher consciousness so you can manifest your MORE. This exploration and the healing are a part of the process of how manifestation works.

Hands holding a ball of lines and questions marks.

Release Beliefs About Not Being Worthy So Manifestation Works!

Most are taught that you must prove your Self first to get anything MORE in your life. And, you are not taught that it’s okay to change what you desire and to constantly evolve.

Nor, are you taught to discern what YOU want and need … usually there’s a sacrifice for others and the belief that you need to take care of others first before you. You might have also been taught that you’re greedy if you want more in life or even to have what you Truly want and need.

Many times, serendipitous exchanges and gifts are treated with suspicion and raised eyebrows … “What did they do to get that?”. Or, there can be thoughts about the one who is receiving, “What do they want from me if I accept this?”. There is a question of the underlying motivation. This is an example of 3rd Dimension ‘tit for tat’ or strings attached energy.

Nearly all of us are conditioned in one way or another around what makes us deserving or worthy of something or someone. Especially when it comes to things like more money, a promotion, a nicer home, time off, a vacation, and even the relationships we would love to have in our lives.

You do not realize you are of VALUE just because you are YOU.

  •  It’s important to examine your deeper beliefs about worthiness and deserving. Here are some questions to explore:
  •  Do you have a belief that you don’t deserve to have more?
  •  Are there beliefs that having more means now you must do something more?
  •  Do you believe you have to ‘show up’ a certain way to have what you want and need?
  •  Do you believe that you must prove you’re worthy of manifesting your wants and needs?
  •  Do you believe that manifesting what you want is hard and requires a lot of effort?

This can be a challenging aspect in the process but growing your self esteem is part of how manifestation works. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Your MORE!

Not asking for what you want and need (plus being open to even More!) is like going to a restaurant, being provided with an extensive menu, and not being able to tell the server what you would like. The server doesn’t know what you want.

You’re having them guess which dish you’d like and how you like it prepared. And, let’s not forget the appetizers, side dishes, and dessert! They want to make you happy so they will try and guess to fulfill your desires. But, most likely it will not be the meal you want.

It’s the same with the Universe. By not being clear, asking for what you want and need, and being specific, the Universe is always responding to what you’re ‘vibing’ within you and out into the world. The way you communicate to the Universe and the world IS through your vibrations.

Thus, if you’re unclear, or feel unworthy to receive what you desire, then that’s what will be manifested. When you are clear and focus your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs so that they are in vibrational alignment, then the Universe can deliver your meal you REALLY want.

So, think of the Universe like your server … it wants what you want. This is how manifestation works. It would love to deliver the meal that you desire. And you have an entire metaphysical team … the Divine, your Spirit Guides, Angels, and your Soul’s Essence waiting for you to ask for what you want and need.

Setting an intention is the pathway to move out of 3rd Dimension outcomes, so you can elevate into a 4th or 5th Dimension frequency and co-create with the Universe. It opens you up to receive what’s in your Highest Order and fullest Potential … and even MORE!

Don’t Try and ‘Figure Out’ How Your Manifestation Will Occur

It’s also not about trying to ‘figure it out’. But wait, I hear you say, “Didn’t you just tell me I need to know what I want and be specific?”

Yes, creating an intention is key and if you can be more specific that’s helpful. However, it’s important for you to let go of the ‘how’ and being attached to the outcome you believe would be the best for you. The Universe can see the MORE for you and what you think is best, might not be the best. This requires trust and faith.

Having a strategic plan where every step is planned out ahead is not how manifesting works. We’re not saying don’t have a plan and work your plan. But, allow the Universe to give you the steps in the plan.

Be open to receive the guidance and be flexible in your plan. It may not occur in a linear fashion, as the Universe’s energies are infinite, circular, and interconnected.

The ‘how’ is the Universe’s job, not yours. Your job is to show up … connect, listen, align, and take Soul-Inspired action. This is inviting in the feminine, heart-driven energy of the 4th and 5th Dimensions. And, not being attached to the specific way, timing, and outcome allows the Universe to do its job and provide you your MORE!

Setting intentions and asking for what you want is about opening the door to what’s possible. There is no right or wrong way to do this. If you aren’t clear on any big dreams or desires, start with what you do know.

Identify what you don’t want and flip it. For example, rather than “I don’t want a draining, life sucking, and unenjoyable job anymore, start imagining what an energizing and joyful job might be for you. You don’t need to know how that will occur but use your imagination to align with and feel your desires.

Or, if you’re in a relationship where you don’t feel loved, honored, and respected, then begin to wonder what another type of relationship would look and feel like. As you do so, this will give you the clarity and courage to make changes.

Shift your Complaint to Commitment. What commitment are you willing to make even if it looks daunting? And, even if you don’t know ‘how’ it’s possible. The Universe always has Infinite Possibilities and SOUL-utions at your beckon call.

You might not feel you’re worthy and deserving of what’s possible. If this is the case, then this is where the energetic healing work is needed to clear your ‘old’ feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and patterns that ‘run’ you.

Patterns are usually entrenched and run deep, and this is where using a modality like The Diamond Co-Creative System® can really help. It goes beyond the conscious and unconscious mind to heal old patterns at core origination points and woundings, as well as conditioning, programming, and lineage encodings. 

Examine Any Resistance to Goal or Intention Setting

Is your attitude to manifesting “This would be so cool if manifesting really worked BUT…”

There are lots of reasons why you might feel an aversion to setting goals or creating intentions at this level. They could be …

  •  I’ve set goals before and it has never worked, so what’s the point?
  •  If I don’t set intentions, I don’t have to worry about being disappointed or failing!
  •  I don’t know what I want, and I’m confused so I don’t want to set a goal.
  •  I’m afraid I might screw it up and then I’m responsible for what is manifested.
  •  I don’t feel like I can ask for help, and it’s better if I do it myself so it will get done.

Manifestation can carry negative connotations about having to ‘make it happen’ and needing to have a certain amount of willpower to bring something to fruition. You can feel tired just thinking about it! The good news is that willpower is not how manifestation works.

Mary Morrissey, founder of The Brave Thinking Institute, says a key part of the manifestation process is “Refuse to stay discouraged. I didn’t say refuse to get discouraged. We’re all going to get discouraged. Not everything we try is going to work out” 2.

Mary notes that we all learned to walk by falling. It was normal for us as children to explore and experiment. It’s normal to fall down and seemingly fail. It’s only as we got older, we thought every step we took was going to work out. So, decline to stay discouraged.

Person standing on the edge of a cliff looking into the distant mountains where they can see gold stars that represent their potential future when they learn how manifestation works.

You’re Always Manifesting … Focus on More Positive Outcomes

The truth is that you are always manifesting whether you are intentional or not.

Many times, what’s occurring in your life reflects your subconscious and energetic patterns. You may not even be aware of what you’re ‘vibing’ within you and out into the world.

Your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs which create your patterns hold you in a particular space and at a specific frequency. This leads you to behave in a certain way, express your Self in a certain way, and take action in a certain way. And this leads to your results.

Evolving and transforming these frequencies is part of your SOUL’s path. The Universe is Loving and will meet you where you are in this lifetime to help guide you. As you’ve been conditioned and programmed by your family and society plus the encodings you brought in with you from your lineage and ancestors, all of this can affect what you manifest. And, this is what you came to heal and transform.

If you’re asking for the MORE (and are willing to receive your MORE), then you move into a Higher vibration and consciousness to co-create from there. You’re asking to heal the wounds of the past and to move into the MORE of who you Truly are. You’re asking for MORE positive outcomes that work for you and serve you in this lifetime.

Manifesting is a Co-Creative Process with the Universe

Remember, to ask for help. You are not here to do this lifetime alone. This is part of the Co-Creative process of manifestation … invite the Universe in to assist you. It is eagerly awaiting you to do so.

When you invite in the Divine, your SOUL’s Essence, Spirit Guides, and Angels … your etheric team, they get to work on your behalf. They are now conspiring with you, advocating for you, and orchestrating what you need and want. As you pay attention to the messages, to the people and opportunities that show up in your life, and to the guidance given, then manifesting becomes synchronistic, magical, and effortless.

The process of Manifestation is much more than saying affirmations, creating vision boards, and even writing out a Manifestation Template. It occurs beyond much more than you can see.

AND, these are important because they help you to become focused and intentional. Plus, there’s no one ‘right way’ to set intentions. It’s important to let it flow and to learn and evolve as you go along.

The secrets as to how manifesting works are:

  •  Realizing that Manifestation is a Co-Creative process within you and the Universe
  •  Understanding there is Science AND Spirituality involved in manifestation
  •  Bringing your Intention into the Present moment as if it is already done
  •  Being in gratitude of what you are being given and what you are being shown
  •  Releasing any fear-based motivations from the past that create results you don’t want
  •  Not being afraid to ask for MORE and being okay with refining your intentions along the way
  •  Letting go of the need to try to control the process or to figure out the ‘how’
  •  Freeing your Self from attachments that the results must show up a certain way or time
  •  Examining any resistance to intention setting and giving your Self permission to dream
  •  Focusing on positive outcomes and allowing the Universe to show you the MORE!

A great start to implementing these is to download our FREE Universal Manifestation Template from The Diamond Co-Creative System®. This is the epitome of the Co-Creative process that occurs within you and with the Universe.

So, this is the final secret … play with the Manifestation Template and incorporate this powerful manifestation tool into your daily life.

The Universal Manifestation Template works with you on a vibrational level …

  •  to release old beliefs and emotions and transform these energies into a Higher vibration
  •  to vibrationally align you to what is in your Highest Order and fullest Potential
  •  to create and manifest in simple and easy ways which saves you time, money, and effort!

With the Manifestation Template, you are co-creating on multi-dimensional levels as the multi-dimensional being that you are … with your SOUL’s Essence. This helps you expand into what the Universe really wants for you … SOUL-Aligned Possibilities and SOUL-utions into your MORE.

Give it a try … it will help you realize and experience the Co-Creative process of manifestation in any and all aspects of your life!


1. Bruce Lipton –
2. Mary Morrissey – The Hidden Code for Transforming Dreams into Reality