Assessments are great tools to help you take your temperature so to speak. They give you clues as to what makes you tick and what may be the underlying causes of why you feel the way you do and why you do the things you do.

The Co-Dependent Survey is an excellent tool to discover what is affecting you and what is going on in your life with an in-depth report you’ll receive which are based on your answers for you to review.

Co-Dependency is not a four letter word but it does impact 99.9999% of us in one way or another. By taking this survey, you will receive a recap of your results which will reveal why your thoughts, feelings, beliefs thus your decisions, behaviors and outcomes are influenced by your co-dependent traits and characteristics.

The assessment will help you identify and become aware of how your co-dependent patterns can run you and affect various aspects of your life, your relationships, your health, your career, your finances. It’s worth the investment of your time to find out why!