What is SOUL Embodiment Really & Why Would You Want It?

I remember when I first started on my spiritual journey, well really my healing and spiritual journey.

I had always been spiritual in my own way. I believed in God, Angels, and that there was more than I could see and more than what I understood. I questioned my Sunday school teachers at church about what they teaching … we died, we went to Heaven or Hell (depending on how ‘good’ we were and if we asked for forgiveness), and that was it. Even though, they taught us that we were Eternal, they said once we died, we did not come back. That made no sense to me and in my heart I knew there was MORE!

Throughout my twenties, I got caught up I got caught up in graduating from college, launching my career, trying to find a relationship to get married, and I forgot about my spiritual nature. I did not pray. I did not meditate. I completely forgot about the Divine and did not make room for my spirituality in my life.

At thirty, I did get married and within four months we were in counseling. To this day, I am thankful she was a spiritually-oriented psychologist. She got me back on track and on the path to embrace my spiritual and healing journey.

Up until then, I lived my life through the pain and wounds of the past (this lifetime and past lives), co-dependency, and “shoulds”. From the outside, I looked like I had it all together and was considered powerful by others. But on the inside, I was a scared little girl who worried about “what if” they found out the truth, that I felt like nothing, that I wasn’t good enough, and that I certainly wasn’t lovable.

I was introduced to energetic healing and for the first three years, I had no idea what it was really about, nor did I understand what I was doing. BUT, what I did know is that I always felt better … more connected, more energized, and more engaged in my life and with my spiritual nature.

During that time, my SOUL literally got me fired from my 20 years of corporate life. You can read more about that in my chapter within Empowered Self-Care. My SOUL knew it was time for a change and it was time to get on with what I was really here to do. The beauty of it … I learned and experienced more and more of my SOUL’s Essence and its True desires for me.

We are all here to allow for our SOUL’s energies to embody within us. This is the first lifetime in which you can Truly embody your SOUL’s energies and operate from its vast knowledge and wisdom. This is because the earth is now vibrating at 6th dimensional frequencies, and we as humankind, have the opportunity to step into 5th dimensional frequencies. This allows our Physical Body to move into a Higher vibration, and our hearts and minds into a Higher state of consciousness. 

You see … your SOUL’s Essence carries forth all of your skills, gifts, talents, learnings, knowledge, and wisdom that it has gained through all of your experiences in all lifetimes. And as you clear out denser negative energies within your Chakras and Bodies of Consciousness, you have created the space for your SOUL’s energies to fill within you. You become more and more a ‘Light’ Body filled with pristine energy of your SOUL.

Denser negative energies can be sourced from this lifetime and bleed throughs from other past lives. It can be your programming, conditioning, lineage and genetic encodings, and imprints that you have taken on from others including your parents, authority figures, society, religion, and even what we call enslavement imprints and patterns that we were taught. It can be the 3rd dimensional patterns of fear, separation, and competition that ‘run’ you, so that you can survive and your personality/egoic Self can feel safe, secure, and lovable. However, these are lower frequencies and unhealthy patterns, and not meant how you are to live this lifetime.

As you heal and transform any of the above, you are able to bring in more of your SOUL’s Essence and this is allows more of your SOUL embodiment. SOUL embodiment is the light and the Higher frequencies and light your SOUL brings to your heart, mind, and body. As it does, you raise your light quotient and are able to express MORE and MORE of your SOUL’s Essence through you.

Your SOUL and the Divine can now speak through you and your actions help to fulfill your SOUL’s purpose and destiny. You become an instrument of the Divine.

Imagine … feeling on purpose, free, and guided to be your authentic Self, while being abundant, prosperous, and happy in doing so! Your SOUL has the bigger picture … why not play full out in 5th dimensional frequency and the light it want to share with you?

It becomes a Conscious Choice … SOUL embodiment or your past ways of operating? We are all making those choices each and every day as we release the past and step into our MORE and ALL of who we Truly are … our SOUL embodied.