Marrying My Self!

It was March of 2021 when I took my wedding ring off. My husband and I were at an impasse … it was really the beginning of the end.

For many reasons, our marriage did not work. But, for me, it was not the kind of Sacred Partnership I wanted with a Beloved. There was not the level of depth of connection, intimacy, and love and support that I had hoped for. There was a vast difference in our values, what was important to each of us – individually and collectively, and our visions for the future.

What I realized was that I ‘married the idea’ of who I thought he was and that we were.

I had met him in 1993, and was so in love with him. He was “the love of my life”. If he had asked me to marry him back then, I would have jumped at the chance and moved from Chicago to San Fransisco to be with him. It was my dream to marry him. But, it was not our time.

I didn’t know if I would ever see him again after 1995. He went on to marry someone else and have a child with her. It was something I had so, so wanted with him, but it was not meant to be.

Fast forward to December 2016. It was 5am on a cold, snowy morning. I lived in Ashland, OR and was checking email and Facebook. I had a Facebook Friend request from him. What?!? I was taken back because it was the last thing I ever expected.

My heart skipped a beat that he had tracked me down. I checked him out on his profile. Yes, he was now single! I accepted the Friend request, and it was on!

Mr and Mrs

I was so excited … we talked for hours every day on the phone. He came up to Ashland during the 2016 holiday season, and as he shared with me and others, “he came up to get me.” Within four EYAmonths, I moved to San Francisco, and we were married in August 2017. For me, it was a dream come true. I was in heaven (or, so I thought).

However, that quickly shifted as I realized more and more, I had married ‘my dream’, not him. Both of us were not the same people that we were in 1993 (or, maybe we were, but I didn’t experience it in the past what I did when we got married).

As the years unfolded, I hoped it would change and it would become what I really wanted. But, it didn’t. And, I slowly came to the realization that it would not change.

In April 2021, my mother died and I inherited a diamond that was passed on from my grandmother to my mom, now to me. I had it reset and when asked what finger did I want to put it on, I immediately said my wedding finger. My stepdad wondered why I did so.

I said to him, “I am marrying my Self. It’s time I love my Self as I would want someone else to do. I can no longer look to outside to receive what I am looking for in a marriage.”

Thus, began my journey is creating Sacred Partnership with my Self and Sacred Union within. I married me!

Now, you might wonder why I am sharing this. First, many are questioning why I am still wearing my wedding ring as I am in the process of dissolving my marriage. Now you know … it is the wedding ring that I gave to my Self. My wedding ring from him is in a box.


Second, it is profound to marry your Self. It takes you on an adventure to become more intimate with your Self … to love your Self in ways that you hope from others. You love your Self in more expanded and greater ways. You are more accepting, kind, and compassionate with your Self.

You also learn how to take care of your Self in ways that you have not done before. You learn how to be Self-sufficient and Self-sustainable, regardless of if someone else is in your life.

You create a deeper connection with you, your SOUL’s Essence, and the Universe, in which even more Love and joy flows into you and around you. You learn to trust who you are and love all parts of you.

As a result of this kind of journey, you Consciously Choose what and whom are a vibrational match for you. And, you make difficult decisions when it is not a match (and it never will be). You learn to trust the guidance that is given and that you feel.

In this,
 it sets you free …

Now, this does not mean that there is not an opening for a Beloved. There is. But, in Divine timing and Divine flow. And, you have to close the doors of no longer works or serves you, for new doors to open.

And, if you are currently married, you can still marry your Self, and be married to another. It is the Sacred Union within, and with another.

So, yes … my wedding ring that I gifted my Self will stay on as I expand into MORE and MORE love, happiness, passion, peace, and the ALL that awaits me!

I wish you the same …

P.S. See the below … it was what helped me during my own personal journey!

We invite you to join us
this Saturday, 3/11 at 10am-1pm Pacific
for the Elevation Principle & Code of Love!

You can review Forgiveness & Peace
from last month via recordings.

This will be the last chance to join this series of
Evolve Your ALL 5th Dimension Mentorship program
as we will close registration after Saturday.

May Love be yours …

To Your Amazing Success!