Everything happens for a reason!

Everything happens for a reason … I truly believe this. Some reasons, we really like and want more of it. And some, not so much. But, there is a gift in any challenge that occurs in our life.
In May, nineteen people contracted COVID at a family wedding I attended – that was almost 15% of the attendees! And, I was included.
Now, you have heard me say over and over again about being a vibrational match to something or someone. And, you may wonder how could I be that with COVID? Well, I am no different than you.
It was no surprise. I was worn down, exhausted, and my immune system was low due to what has occurred in the last few months (or the Guides would say, the last few years). I have had major stressors in my life and business such as deaths, packing and moving from San Francisco to Laguna Beach, dissolving my marriage, and feeling driven (and on a mission) to produce new programs and expanding the tools and techniques with The Diamond Co-Creative System®. 
Plus, I have been on the fast track in my own Ascension process … upgrading energetically and shifting into new ways of ‘BE’-ing, ‘DO’-ing, and consciousness. And, having COVID can be a part of this process … it was for me.
With COVID, it was like my body and the Universe said enough! But, that’s not all … COVID takes you on a journey … physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. My Physical Body, other Energy Bodies, and Chakras wanted me to learn new ways of taking care of them and to allow my Self to step back.
Everyone’s experience is different with it, just like it is with cancer, other diseases, or chronic conditions. Being so sensitive energetically, I felt it spread throughout my Body, disconnect me from me and Source energy, and mess with my mind and emotions. It definitely does a number on your brain as well as any other part of you that can be your “weak” spot(s) in your body. For me, it was my lungs and my energy levels.
And, everything happens for a reason … it gave me the opportunity to rest, to reflect, and to re-evaluate. It allowed me the space to really explore and ponder “what do I really want and what do I want to do next?” plus “what and whom are really important to me?”
It takes you down so all you can do is surrender and let go. It demanded that I make ‘new’ choices in how I want to create, live, and manifest. It offered me an opportunity to re-engage with my Self, life, and the Divine in a whole new way.

During this process, I pulled out many of the tools and techniques from The Diamond Co-Creative System® to deal with what was going on not only in my body, but my heart and mind as well. It has been a slow go of it and each day, each week, there is a new strength and an upleveling happening within all parts of me, my life, and my business.
It can no longer be a “push”, chase, or stress energy to get things done and to be of service.
It can no longer be that the past dictates what you do in the present or create for the future.
It can no longer be the over-giving, doing, compensating (you fill in the blank).
It can can no longer be proving one’s Self to others (or to the Universe), or proving that you’re loveable, worthy, or valuable.
It can also no longer be about the old conditioning of not taking care of your Self first and making your Self priority #1.

Can you relate to any of these?
By shifting these, Divine Love and Diamond Light can energize you, thus vibrating this out to others. And, flow can occur in so many ways with expanded states of happiness, peace, and prosperity with the Universe and your SOUL leading the way!
So, how have I traversed through this? First of all, the love and support from the community that I have felt. And most of all … the main tools I used were not only the Elevation Codes from the System, but also the Ascension Code of Transfiguration and the Matrix of Oneness.
And, the Guides have downloaded new ways to use both as I went through this. The gift for my Self and for you! Thus, one of the reasons and the gifts for COVID coming into my life.

In doing so, this is what I am using to rebuild my body and life in Higher frequencies and creating a shift into a more expanded consciousness and connection to me, others, and the Universe. This has been life-changing!
It has required my energy to be transfigured … for your energy to transform into something more elevated. When you transform your energy, it can create a major change in form, nature, or function of your energy, Chakras, and Energy Bodies, including your Physical Body.

If you …

  • find your Self needing to boost and balance your Immune System due to the continuous presence of viruses and other environmental stresses
  • contracted COVID and your health has been compromised either in the short- or long-term, or currently have COVID
  • chose to be vaccinated and your health has been impacted with short- or long-term side effects from the vaccine
  • have a chronic condition or illness
  • have been diagnosed with a disease
  • in the process of upgrading on all levels as part of your Ascension process

Then, I invite you to join me for June’s upcoming live virtual workshop, Transfigure Your Health & Healing… Transform Your Body, Mind & Spirit!

You will receive the powerful tools and techniques necessary to achieve and maintain optimal and vibrant health. This workshop will also support your ascension process, revitalizing your energy and elevating your vibrations, thus empowering you to thrive and prosper in all areas of your life!

During this transformative experience, we will harness the proprietary Ascension Codes combined together as the Transfiguration Ascension Code and its Protocol from The Diamond Co-Creative System®. This 12th Dimensional technology, rooted in sacred geometry and universal principles, acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms and takes you to new heights!

Join me on Wednesday & Thursday, 6/28 & 6/29 at 5-7pm Pacific and receive:

  •  Live virtual workshop
  • Guidebbook which includes the Ascension Code & Protocol
  • New techniques that take you to the next level & Guided Meditations
  • Recordings of the workshop for future reference
  • Being in community and connecting with other like-minded, heart-centered individuals!

If you took this workshop last year … be sure to repeat as new information and meditations will be disseminated! There is a repeat offer for you!

Plus there is a bundle offer if you register for both this workshop and August’s Matrix of Oneness workshop!

Register for one or both at: 

Come join us and create your vibrant health and well-being!

To Your Amazing Success!