I Wanted to Fit In & Belong!

Remember those school days? I always wanted to fit in and belong. I wanted to be a part of the ‘cool’ group. I felt like I was an outsider who was always trying to get into the inner circle. I felt like I was chasing after “being accepted” and had a huge need to “belong”.

I always wanted to be liked, validated, and loved. I always wanted the approval of others. Then, add in the rejection and abandonment issues I had that were exacerbated in my Dad leaving our family when I was 16 years old. I grew up being Daddy’s little girl in what looked like a “white picket fence Leave It to Beaver” family. It was devastating due to not only feeling like I was abandoned by my Dad, but also losing my family and the life we had as I knew it.

I felt very lost as a teenager, but many didn’t know it because I hid it so well … they thought I had it “all together”. In fact, I did not.

I had dinner with an old high school buddy years ago. He was definitely part of the ‘cool’ group and, by the way he carried himself, you thought he had it all together. Interestingly enough, he revealed growing up, he had a lot of family drama going on which led to him to put on an ‘act’, with lots of masks, just like me.

He, too, was covering up what was going on within him and around him. He also said how much he always admired me in high school. He saw me as ferociously independent and fearless who knew what she wanted, and went for it. He saw me as strong, happy, and actually one of the ‘cool’ people in the ‘cool’ group.

Oh boy, if he only knew what was going on inside of me during those days.

Ever wonder how co-dependency starts to ‘run’ your life? This is how and why … and you probably have your own version or ‘story’ of what occurred for you. We are so programmed and conditioned to want and need to fit in … to belong … it’s an actual human’s innate need. So, we chase after this illusive need and try to fulfill it. But it never is fulfilled because belonging comes from within, not outside of us.

Now, I am going to throw in a couple of more of twists to this conditioned programming that most have had to deal with as they grew up. And it might be out there for some of you too but stick with me and you’ll understand.

Many of us are not originally from this planet … in fact, we are called Star Seeds. We come to earth to help Humanity raise in frequency and consciousness. It’s part of our SOUL’s Plan and destiny to do so.Think about it … many were born into a family where they felt like they never belonged. They felt like the ugly duckling or the black sheep of the family. Can you relate? I know I certainly can.

It’s like you were born into a family of ‘muggles’ when you carry the energetics of a ‘wizard’. They don’t understand you and you don’t understand them. Many times, they don’t accept you and what you do, and vice versa. This creates more of an intense need to belong because you feel separate, not loved, and not valued.

Then, you add in the understanding of SOUL ages. More than likely, you are a Mature or Old SOUL and you were born into a family of Baby or Young SOULs. The five SOUL ages are:

  •   Infant SOULs are learning about survival and are fearful
  •   Baby SOULs are still in fear, so they want to know the rules and live by the rules
  •   Young SOULs are motivated by achievements and by fame and fortune; success at any cost
  •   Mature SOULs are learning to feel their feelings and how to integrate them
  •   Old SOULs are here to learn how to Truly love themselves and once they do, they have the choice of what to do

Each SOUL evolves through a series of SOUL ages, experiencing the full spectrum of life, playing different roles, determined to experience all that life on Earth has to offer. Your SOUL age determines the different types and levels of perception, and thus your experience of life. It is also what you came to learn and how you came here to grow.

You evolve through a series of SOUL ages. Each SOUL age has seven levels that must be completed to move through a SOUL age and onto the next. This does not mean it is seven lifetimes; it takes as many times as necessary to master the lessons for each level. As you complete a SOUL age and its levels, you then move onto the next age. For those that are Old SOULs, once they complete all seven levels, they have the choice to not come back to earth, or to come back and be of Pure Love and service.

It’s important to understand that the first three SOUL ages do not yet know that they are ‘spiritual energy beings’ and have no regard for the power of Love and feelings. Therefore, it follows that Infant, Baby, and Young SOULs cannot ‘see’ who Mature and Old SOULs are. If you are a Mature or Old SOUL, they literally cannot see, understand, or accept who you are, but don’t take it personally! It is why you can’t fit in and belong … you are not meant to because you are on your own SOUL’s journey.

Now, let’s go back to the Star Seed part. Since Star Seeds incarnate as a human being, they try to fit in and want to belong … again, this is a part of a human being’s nature. Star Seeds are not part of the human race, so that “fitting in” will never happen. It is where the egoic mind has to let go, so the SOUL’s Essence of the Star Seed can guide them and remind them of who they are, and of their mission to be of service.

The confusion lies in that Star Seeds are here to be a part of Humanity and to help Humanity … they are “in it”, but “not of it”. Plus, it initially becomes very confusing to a Star Seed who is trying to fit in and belong because that was how they were conditioned in their birth family and through society as they grew up … remember, there is a veil of forgetfulness when you are born, so until you are ready, you don’t really know who you Truly are.

However, as you awaken again to your True nature and authenticity, you are able to release the shackles of the past, and of their conditioning and programming. You are able to release your co-dependency and remember the energetics of inter-dependency in which all is interconnected.

As a Star Seed from Sirius, I remember when I had the ‘aha’ moment of who I am. I was so drawn to be with the dolphins in open waters. I wanted to swim and interact with them. I didn’t understand why I had such an intense drive, until I was actually with them.

Dolphins are from Sirius, and they are here to uplift Humanity into Higher frequencies … into love and joy. When you are in the water with them, they literally come to you to help you heal and transform. They help transmute your pain, fears, and negativity into acceptance, compassion, love, joy, and to being present in the moment (rather than stuck in the past). They help you step into the play and aliveness of life, so you live more and more in the matrix of love and Oneness. They hold the energy of the interconnected Oneness.

I have witnessed this for my Self as they activated a remembrance of my Self and opened my heart to embrace who I am. I witnessed it with others … there was a man on one of my trips that I was leading who was in so much pain, anger, and negativity. It was to the point he denied himself the opportunity to go out on the boat to swim with the dolphins until the very last day of the trip. I watched the dolphins transmit the energies of love and joy into his heart over and over again, until there was a shift. When he came back onto the boat, his energy was totally different, and he felt like a changed man. It was truly miraculous!

So, it is not about judging your Self, or your ‘muggle’ family and society. It is about embracing the understanding that ALL are at different states of evolution … some in the beginning stages (Infant and Baby SOULs), some in the middle stages (Young and Mature SOULs), and some in the mastery stage (Old SOUL).

In this diversity, you can be inclusive. You can be understanding, compassionate, and loving. You can be accepting, respectful, and honoring where you and someone else is at in their life, even if it is different from yours. You can be the conduit in co-creating the Oneness and Unity Consciousness.

Remember, you are here for a purpose … for many, it is to help your Self and others ascend into 5th Dimension frequencies of love, joy, co-creation, flow, and prosperity. It is about operating, creating, and manifesting within 5th Dimension vibrations, while navigating through the 3rd Dimension, which still holds separation, fear, and competition. It becomes your Conscious Choice.

Embrace the ‘muggle’ energy in your life, while being the ‘wizard’ that you came here to ‘BE’. Embrace does not mean condoning, rather, it means understanding and accepting. Only in that energy can you uplift your Self and Humanity and ‘BE’ the change that you came here to activate and ‘DO’.

By the way … I invite you to come and experience what I described as I swam with dolphins. YOU too can swim with the dolphins by joining me during the next Summer Solstice, June 19-25, 2022 for the SOUL Emergence Retreat in Bimini! Click Here to see if it resonates for you!