Are There Past Lives & How Do They Affect Me?

We ask you to consider the possibility of past lives, if you have not considered or believed in them up until now. And you’ll see why. Think of something you have tried to change in your life.


For instance, you may have a fear of drowning. You may not know where this came from, but every time you get near water or go in a pool, a lake, or an ocean, a panic takes rushes you. As time goes on, you might even avoid getting in the water, altogether. Many have drowned in a past life, especially those who lived in Atlantis.

Another example is a fear of visibility, or even that of success. Let’s say you are building your business or you are in a relationship that you want to expand into more. However, you get to a certain point and feel like you are blocked, can’t go further, or even ‘Self-sabotage’ by not getting things done (you quit in the midst of a project or don’t follow-up with potential clients).

Or, in your relationship, you start creating problems to push the other person away (or even create it so they leave you … thus you get to be right about how they abandoned you).

You tell your Self that you will change, or that you will never do something again, but end up creating the same scenarios with the same results. Viscerally (a gut feeling), you know something keeps pulling you back to do the same thing. You know something is “off”, but you don’t know what to do about it.


What we are describing is a ‘bleed through’ of an incomplete energetic cycle. They are thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that have created your patterns of behaviors, habits, and results. You have it ‘wired’ up a certain way, such as being visible or “success = loss”, or “love = pain”. These are held at a subconscious and cellular level and must be completed so there is no longer a ‘bleed through’.

Often, past lives leave a residue and there are cords created in one life that are transferred to the next lifetime (or lifetimes), until the agreement which created the cords is broken and the cycle is complete. When you have a negative past life with someone (or someone that reminds you of the type of energy they represent or a certain kind of situation), it is impossible to see who or what they really are in this lifetime. Your perception of them is colored by your past life experience. Clearing past lives brings you more powerfully into the present moment, and allows you the freedom to move into what’s really True for you and create an authentic life.

All of you have had hundreds, if not thousands, of past lives. Up until now, life on Earth has been likened to being in school. You are here to learn your lessons, to experience life, and to grow spiritually. You evolve through a series of Soul Ages that reflect different stages of your learning. 

You prepare for each lifetime by creating a SOUL Plan with your Spirit Guides, which includes what you want to learn and complete from the past, what you want to teach, and what you want to contribute to Humanity and the planet. This allows to move through old stuck energies and past difficulties, in all aspects of life and relationships, and to repay any karma you have created throughout your lifetimes. Any lessons learned, and what you have completed from the past, are held in your SOUL’s Essence, and anything you still have to learn or resolve goes into your Akashic records.

The challenge in this lifetime is that many of you have agreed to clear everything, so that you can be a part of the Ascension process. And clearing past lives is an important component of your healing and transformation to evolve into your ALL!

A great way to address and energetically transform your conditioning and programming, Genetic and Lineage Encodings, and present life issues, and past life bleed throughs is to commit to your healing, transformation and evolution into your ALL. You can do so by investing in one of the following …

Conscious Choice Coaching at:

Diamond Energetic Sessions at:

The ‘ALL In’ Journey at:

Customized SOUL Immersion VIP Days:

We invite you to to do the work so you can be present in the moment …

– The Guides & The Councils