Am I More than My Physical Body & What are My Clair-Gifts?

My Physical Body Gifts

Yes, you are more than your Physical Body. You are a multi-dimensional spiritual being who is having a human experience. You are eternal and infinite, thus you can tap into the Infinite energies of the Divine and the Universe.

You have within you certain Divine Birthright gifts … Divine Love and Light, Divine Compassion and Grace, Divine Wisdom and Power, Divine Abundance and Prosperity, and Divine Gratitude. Part of your journey is access these and utilize them in your everyday life.

In addition, you came in with other gifts, talents, and skills. Many of them get buried by your programming and conditioning as you grow up because of family or society. In fact, you may be aware of your gifts, but when you were young they were possibly shut down which usually happens before you were 7 years old. This often becomes our wounded inner child.

As you do your healing and transformation to clear out the ‘old’ energetics that are blocking your Chakras and Energy Bodies, you can tap into and reveal more and more of your Clair-gifts.

The four main clair-gifts are: 

  • People who are clair-audient have the power to hear things outside the range of normal perception. Those with this ability can hear things which are not audible to the ear in the natural waking state. They can hear multi-dimensional beings such as Guides, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and even those who have passed over.
  • People who are clair-sentient can sense other than what’s physically there and they can feel energy; many times, they are empaths. It is the most down-to-earth of the four intuitive gifts. Those having this ability often have a ‘gut’ feeling about a person, place, or situation.
  • In simple terms, a clair-cognizant has the ability to know things without any proof, logic, or reason. Those with this ability have an ‘inner knowing’ feeling or thought that they can’t dismiss, even if they tried. They learn to accept that they don’t need to know why or how.
  • clair-voyant has the claimed ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception. They often ‘see’ information like a movie playing on a screen in their mind. Many can see auric fields and colors around a person or object.

What are your gifts? Working with The Diamond Co-Creative System® can assist you to accelerate your process of remembering them and further developing your clair-gift(s).

We invite you to claim your gifts … help Humanity and your planet by being YOU, and sharing who you are with your wonderous presence.

The Guides & The Councils