Activate & Receive Your SOUL Vision & Abundant Life!

Are you getting ready to envision what you want and need in the New Year? What does it look and FEEL like? Yes, the operative word is FEEL.

When many hear the words … vision, goals, intentions … they think, “Ugh!” or “Why do it, because it never comes true any way!” I can totally relate; I thought the same thing too for so many years and became full of disappointments and upsets when I spent time putting a list together and thought I was optimistic in getting it done.

But that was the problem. It was a just list. I did not sit down with my Self and ask or FEEL into what I wanted or let alone, find out what my SOUL really wanted for me. I operated out of my ego, from what I thought was success, and had the ‘shoulds’ and rules ‘run’ me because I was brought up to believe and follow them.

I did not FEEL my vision. It wasn’t visceral for me. It was just things to do, and the last thing I needed was another “to do” list. 

Today is different. I create space to be with me, my SOUL’s Essence, and even with the energies (the devas) of The Diamond Co-Creative System™ and my business. I ask my Self, “what do I want and need?”. Then, I ask, “what do they want”, “what do they see for me”, and “what do we want to contribute to the world?”

I look at what is being shown to me and FEEL into whether what is being revealed resonates with me, even though it might be a stretch for me. Many times puts me out on the skinny branches of the unknown and is scary.

What I have come to learn over the years is … my SOUL always knows the bigger picture and if I embrace the steps that are given to me, it’s so much more than I could have envisioned. I have also learned to trust my SOUL and know the Universe has my back (even in challenging times).

Here are steps I take to open up to the vision that awaits me each year …

  1. Reflect upon the past year … what worked, and what didn’t. What did I like, and what did I not like? What fulfilled me, and what did not? What or whom distracted me and took me off course? What course correction did I take or is still needed?
  2. Gratitude List … what or to whom am I grateful? What gifts, through people or situations, did the year bring me and what’s the gratitude I hold for them? What lessons am I grateful for … what have I learned, what have I healed and transformed, and how have I grown?
  3. What are my Core Values; have they changed over the year – many times there will be one or more that rise to the top and are represented throughout the year to build upon.
  4. I Consciously Choose what really matters to me the most in any aspect of my life and write about it from a feeling level such as how I feel when I have loving, kind relationships in my life, or when my Body is energized and in vibrant health, or when I take the time to connect with Spirit and allow the Universe to guide me.The aspects I write about are:
    • Health & Well-being
    • Spiritual Practice
    • Fun & Play
    • Relationships – Personal & Business
    • Financial Flow & Self-Sufficiency
    • Contribution to Others, the Planet & Humanity
    • Career and/or Business
  5. Once I do this, I look for consistency within my writing … what feelings do they invoke and what would be a word to describe the feelings. For instance, my word for next year is Expansion. As I feel into this word, I feel vibrant, optimistic, excited about the possibilities, happy, and satisfied in fulfilling my SOUL’s Plan and Purpose.
  6. Now, that I am clear as what I want and need, I ask my Self to be open as to what does my SOUL desire for me. Many times, it is very close since I have been doing this for over 20 years, BUT my SOUL always has something to add that I did not see or know about. This is true when I ask the System and my business what they want for the year too.
  7. Remember, you always have free will … you DO have a choice. This is where I feel into what has been given to me. Do I resonate with it even though it might be scary to step into? What would it feel like to envision and focus upon what my SOUL sees for me? What would it feel like if I ignored it? Am I willing to go for it and play full out? Sometimes it takes a while to sit with what unfolds … create the space to do so. Sometimes my ego goes ‘kicking and screaming’. But most times, I am inspired about the SOUL-aligned possibilities and receive clarity about my next steps.
  8. Now, I’m ready to write and active my SOUL Vision which reads like a story so I can feel it. Once complete, I then put it in a Universal Manifestation Template from The Diamond Co-Creative System™ and release it out into the Universe to orchestrate what is in my Highest Order and Infinite Diamond Potential!

This is not an overnight process or a sit down once and get it done process. This does take some time, space, and focus for you to feel into what’s there for you. And it is well worth it … it gives you a beautiful, coherent road map to follow during your year. It gives you your SOUL-Inspired and Aligned Vision that will be beyond what you can imagine …

To envision, activate, and manifest your abundant 2022 … join us for the FREE virtual mini-Retreat … Manifest Your ALL in 2022! on Tuesday-Thursday, January 4-6 at 9-10:15am Pacific!

Register NOW and get two tools right away to help you jump start formulating your vision along with putting into practice what we shared today. Check it out and register for FREE here.

To Your Amazing Success!
Amanda & The Soul Team