Who is a Wayshower, Lightworker, or Lightbearer?

Who is a Wayshower, Lightworker, or Lightbearer

Who is a Lightworker, Lightbearer, or Wayshower? Many alternative healers, channelers, spiritual teachers, guides, thought leaders, and disruptors or catalysts are such, in that they feel compelled to be of assistance in Humanity’s healing, transformation, spiritual growth, and evolution.

Understand that many Lightworkers can be the innovators, inventors, and pioneers within different fields such as technology, ecology, food, science, medicine, etc., to help Humanity. Or, they can be school teachers, writers, musicians, actors, influencers, disruptors, and activists who help get a new message out and lead through their vocations.

Or, they can simply be a mom or dad, grandparents, or a person whose mission is to make this earth a better place. They simply want to share kindness, happiness, love, positivity, and inspiration with others, just by being who they are.

Who is a Wayshower, Lightworker, or Lightbearer

The misnomer is that a Lightworker, Lightbearer, or Wayshower has to claim their ‘title’ or ‘role’, rather than just ‘BE’ who they Truly are. Many go about their days, not even realizing what they are ‘BE’-ing and ‘DO’-ing … spreading light, love, and joy (all 5th Dimension vibrations), just by showing up and being themselves … it could be a janitor, store clerk, road worker, corporate employee, executive, or entrepreneur of some sort.

Women within their families are typically the wayshower of creating a healthy family lifestyle, or making changes within the family dynamics and relationships to encompass Love and the Highest for ALL. This is due to them tapping into the Divine Feminine and allowing for their intuition, feelings, and Love to guide them, rather than their egoic Self who may be ran by the 3rd Dimension paradigm of fears and ‘shoulds’. They are willing to lead the way to Love, even if it is uncomfortable and takes them into the unknown.

Who is a Wayshower, Lightworker, or Lightbearer

There is no hierarchy, separation, or better/less than in being a Wayshower, Lightworker, or Lightbearer. It is a part of who you are, and it is a part of who many are.You are here to lift Humanity into a new consciousness of Love, Unification, and Oneness without your ego driving you.

And, it’s essential to attend to your own needs too and not sacrifice your Self for the ’cause’. Part of the journey for Lightworkers is to find a healthy balance and release codependent tendencies to be in servitude, rather than to be of service. It is important that you first focus on your own healing, growth, and evolution, so you can then help others. 

In doing so, you serve in this way too. You become example of the ALL … Absolute Light & Love.

We ask you to consider … what is your contribution to make to others, to Humanity, and the planet. You incarnated in this lifetime for a reason. What is yours to ‘BE’ and ‘DO’?

The Guides & The Councils