How to Develop Compassion in a Challenging World

How to Develop Compassion in a Challenging World

What is Compassion?

Defining compassion is not easy. Over the years, it has been used as both a noun (in the context of having compassion) and a verb (being compassionate).

The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as ‘sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.’ It is from the Latin ‘compati’ which means ‘suffer with’. (Oxford English Dictionary) 

In the English language, the word compassion fell out of use during the late 1800s and has seen a resurgence in the past twenty years.

Researchers in the 21st century have defined compassion as feelings that arise when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. (Seppala) 

A study conducted in 2016 identified 5 elements that define compassion:

  • Recognizing suffering
  • Understand the universality of suffering
  • Emotional resonance
  • Tolerating uncomfortable feelings
  • Motivation to act/acting to ease suffering

These five elements introduce compassion as being a motivation to act. (Strauss) 

Compassion v. Empathy v. Sympathy

It’s very easy to get compassion confused with ideas around empathy and sympathy.

Empathy is being able to see another person’s perspective and be sensitive to their feelings, thoughts or experiences. The word in English is newer and based on sympathy. It was first used in the early 20th century as a translation of the German ‘Einfühlung’. This German word meant “feeling-in” or “feeling into.

Sympathy is defined as ‘feeling sad or sorrow for another person’s suffering or misfortunes’  (Merriam-Webster). In contrast with empathy, the word sympathy has been used since the late 16th century.

However, sometime in the last hundred years, something has changed. First with the introduction of the concept of empathy into research and in the 21st century an uptick in sharing the idea of compassion. We are moving towards wanting to bring the idea of compassion into reality in the world.

Can you have compassion without empathy or sympathy?

The team at has tried tackling an answer to what compassion is. ‘

A quick answer to “What is the difference between empathy and compassion?” is this: Empathy is a visceral feeling we often can’t control while compassion is a conscious action. Can you have compassion without empathy? Not really. You may be able to perform acts of kindness, but if you don’t feel them in your Soul; it is not true compassion.” (Tony Robbins)

Our definitions of compassion, empathy, and sympathy have changed as we understand how they are different.

The consensus is that empathy and sympathy both precede compassion.  We need to go beyond feeling sad for someone else’s troubles (sympathy) and being able to see where they are coming from (empathy). These are just the first steps. What is required for us to take the next step is to take action to alleviate the suffering of another?

Quote - "Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It's a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity" Pema Chodron

Why is Compassion Important?

Compassion is where sympathy and empathy can become action in the world. It is based on the 5th Dimension vibrations of Love. In having compassion, we can transcend the fears of the 3rd Dimension. These fears may have been planted through conditional and codependent love, pain, or trauma. They create the need to prove ourselves and protect our ego identity.

In the 21st century, we are realizing that to truly have compassion means taking action.  We can volunteer our time to help those in need or donate money to pay it forward. Yet, sometimes the hardest actions we can take are changing our internal thoughts and beliefs about others and their actions.

Compassion for others

Is it possible for us to have compassion for a person like Vladimir Putin? His actions as the leader of Russia have irreversibly disrupted the lives of millions of Ukrainians and killed thousands of Russia’s army. How can we have sympathy or empathy for him and those who follow him? This is where the ‘rubber meets the road’ in terms of compassion.

We would have to understand his true motivations for starting this war and look at events from his perspective. It’s very hard to know anything truthful about Putin and his private motivations. But we can assume that he is fearful of the West and modern Europe’s impact on the future of Russia. Diplomats negotiating between Russia and Ukraine would have to practice compassion. They must consider actions that could be taken to relieve the suffering caused by this fear and so the fear itself.

Starting with Sympathy and Empathy

Marshall Rosenberg, author of Non-Violent Communication, knew this deeply after having spent years using his model of observations-feelings-needs-requests with people who have entrenched views. His empathic model helped them move first to sympathy, then empathy, and then compassion. He had success in places where reconciliation seemed hopeless such as Israel, Palestine, Ireland, Rwanda, etc. (Rosenberg)

But what can we do… Those of us who do not have any direct involvement in these world issues? The action we can take is internal – taking the hard road of transforming our thoughts and beliefs. 

We all know that sometimes (often?) there are people who choose not to accept help. It can be very close to home – a mother, father, son or daughter, or a work colleague who we see suffer with the same issues repeatedly.

Where do we begin having compassion for them? It starts with our energetics.

Quote - If your compassion does not include yourself it is incomplete. Jack Kornfield.

Compassion for Self

Dr. Kristen Neff has identified three elements of Self-compassion. (Neff)

1.      Self-kindness vs. Self-judgement – hugging our dragons and realizing that life is not the perfect image we sometimes have in our minds.

2.      Common humanity vs. isolation – recognizing that everyone has troubles and challenges, and we are not alone, even though it sometimes feels like it!

3.      Mindfulness identification – neither suppressing nor exaggerating our feelings but being the observer of all thoughts and emotions we experience.

Energetic Blocks to Having Compassion 

However, sometimes these steps in Self-compassion are not enough. We can want to have compassion for our neighbor as they hang a political sign or flag we strongly oppose. Or, if our colleague wants to talk to us about their sick mother while we are trying to work. Or, if we come home to find our family members have left a big mess for us to clean up – again! But inside we start feeling tense, getting agitated, and disconnected from ourselves in the present.

We often have energetic patterns stuck in our physical, mental, and emotional bodies that block compassion and can be challenging to transform. We can also get more judgmental about ourselves because we keep seeing the same reaction repeatedly in our lives. And when we begin to recognize how we are feeling, it can seem overwhelming.

How to Clear Energetic Blocks

There is an easier way to clear these energetic patterns.

Sacred Geometry is the vibrational blueprint for the Universe. It has the power to affect change at a cellular level. The Diamond Co-Creative System® is composed of Sacred Geometry Energy Codes that can disrupt energy patterns that are out of alignment with your Soul’s purpose and re-pattern it as new energy. It resolves old patterns, habits, and issues completely. The Codes are holographic and work with your energy fields, cellular memory, Chakras, and Energy Bodies on multi-dimensional levels. (Co-Create Your Success)

This begins to elevate you from vibrations of fear, resentment, and disappointment in the 3rd Dimension, to 5th Dimension vibrations of willingness to give, understand, and, accept to be Compassionate! When your vibrations begin to change at this level it also affects your thoughts and your ability to take the action of Compassion.

And, we first begin with ourselves and to create Compassion within. It’s important to learn how to be compassionate with ourselves and to utilize the energy of Compassion to feel and know what is in alignment for us. In doing so, we then are taking actions which are Soul-Aligned and in our Highest Order. 
By allowing Compassion to guide us, it affects not only us, but also all of those around us. We are then operating from a 5th Dimension frequency where there is reverence for all.
Here is a Compassion Test to assist you …


The word compassion separated into two - Com with a capital C and Passion with a Capital P. The Com part has a compass behind it.

The ComPassion Test

Step 1. Connect with your inner Com-Pass. Make a conscious choice to ‘BE’ and co-create from your own authority and authentic self (from your passion). 

Step 2. Utilize the energetics of Compassion to assist you in creating a new way of choosing what’s True for you that’s free of attachment in making choices and decisions.

Step 3. When a decision is presented to you (a situation arises or a person comes in) – follow the steps below.

🙏🏻 Connect your breath to check in with your authentic Self and what’s being asked of you. Ask yourself “Does this resonate with my highest potential for my Self and my Soul’s purpose?”

As you breathe into the energy of what is being asked, ask your Self to be free of attachment as you feel, sense or hear the answer. Is it a “passionate” YES, because I feel…Enlivened, Energized, Expansive? Or is it a “pass” because I feel Drained, Uninspired, or it has a ‘should’, ‘have to’ or agenda attached to it.

😍 Once you have used this Compassion test and your answer is a Passionate YES, then ask your Self “Is this creating LOVE…Living Only Vibrant Energy in my life?”. If you feel the vibrant energy then this too is a confirmation that you are energetically aligned with your authentic Self and your Soul’s purpose. 

🤔If your answer is a NO to the Living Only Vibrant Energy or it seems “off”, then ask yourself “What is energetically out of alignment within me?”, or “What is my inner guidance may be asking me to pay attention to, or become aware of and resolve within my Self so that I am energetically ready to move forward?” Then take the Action steps such as clearing and healing, letting go of attachments to the outcome, and any 3rd Dimension vibrations, until you feel a solid YES!

Have a play with these steps and consider joining us in the Diamond Code Club to receive a Compassion Code activation meditation and support from people on a similar journey

Works Cited

Co-Create Your Success. “Sacred Geometry: Why it is important to you!”, 2 October 2022, Accessed 5 September 2023.

Merriam-Webster. “63 Synonyms & Antonyms of SYMPATHY.” Merriam-Webster, Accessed 5 September 2023.

Neff, Kristin. “Definition and Three Elements of Self Compassion | Kristin Neff.” Self-Compassion, Accessed 5 September 2023.

Oxford English Dictionary. “Compassion.”, 2 October 2022, Accessed 5 September 2023.

Rosenberg, Marshall. Non-Violent Communication. 3rd ed., Encinitas, CA, Puddledancer Press, 2015.

Seppala, Emma. “Compassion Definition | What Is Compassion.” Greater Good Science Center, Accessed 5 September 2023.

Strauss, Clara. “(PDF) What is Compassion and How Can We Measure it? A Review of Definitions and Measures.” ResearchGate, 26 May 2016, Accessed 5 September 2023.

Tony Robbins. “Compassion vs empathy: what is the difference?” Tony Robbins, Accessed 5 September 2023