Our Co-Create Your Success FAQs include information about the Ascension process, energetic healing, and spirituality. We hope this information is helpful for you to understand even more about your SOUL’s journey into the 5th Dimension and your ALL!
The questions included are below and you can click on a specific question, which will take you to its answer, or you can scroll down through all of the FAQs:
- What is Ascension?
- What is the Shift of the Ages?
- What is the Core Wound of Humanity?
- What is Frequency and Vibrations?
- What is Sacred Geometry?
- How Do I Manifest My Dreams & Desires?
- What is a Dimension?
- What is the Difference Between the 3rd, 4th & 5th Dimensions?
- What is the 12th Dimension?
- What is the Diamond Co-Creative System®?
- What is Energetic Integrity?
- What are Chakras?
- What are Energy Bodies?
- What is Genetic Encoding?
- What are Lineage Encodings?
- Are There Past Lives & How Do They Impact Me?
- Am I More than My Physical Body & What are Clair-Gifts?
- What is a Lightworker, Lightbearer, or Wayshower?
- What is a Spirit Guide?
- Who is the Unification Council of 12?
- Who is the Galactic Priestess of Light Council?
If you would like to download a PDF of our Co-Create Your Success FAQs, Click Here.
What is Ascension?
Quite simply, Ascension means raising your frequency until your cells are filled with Light so that you move into the vibrations of the 5th Dimension and beyond. To ‘ascend’, you must release all of the negative, dense, low frequencies of outdated limiting beliefs, old emotional wounding, programming, conditioning, and imprints that you took on from the past or from others, throughout this lifetime and others.
You see … every thought, word, emotion, and action is a vibration that creates your aura (your energy fields and matrix) and affects your Chakras and Bodies of Consciousness. Ascension entails purifying your thoughts, cleansing your emotions, and choosing the Highest Order’s loving actions, until you radiate at a Higher Frequency of Love and the 5th Dimensional vibrations. It is only then that you can create and live continuously within its joy and freedom … and sustain it!
What is the Shift of the Ages?
For two millennia we have been primarily under the influence of the watery sign of Pisces, most often associated with the start of the Christian Era, global religions, and the Patriarchal paradigm. The Piscean Age was also known as the Age of Economics, focused on materialism and ‘me’ vs. ‘us’.
We have entered the Golden Era and the Age of Aquarius … this is the Shift of the Ages. This Shift of the Ages moves us from the 3rd Dimension Piscean, patriarchal, domination energy (based on power), control, separation, fear, and materialism, to the Aquarian 5th Dimension energy of love, unification, integrity, passion, and purpose, one in which all are served and prosperous, not just a few. We are moving into co-creation, collaboration, and cooperation that assist ALL of humanity.
Aquarius is all about FREEDOM … setting your Self free from the past, from being dominated, from the old paradigm of 3rd Dimension imprints, and from what no longer serves or works for you! This is the time we have been waiting for and why we incarnated in this lifetime … true liberation. It’s a time to become SOVEREIGN UNTIL YOUR Self and Ascend within.
The Aquarian united paradigm is a Homecoming … where you come home to your Self and your SOUL’s Essence to value your authenticity, individuality, inventiveness, uniqueness, and meaning. This is an Age where you seek meaning, harmony, and purpose. You are moving to an expansive, ‘out of the box’, and multi-dimensional way of ‘BE’ing and ‘DO’ing, rather than through linear thinking and trying to force or ‘make something happen’ using power and control. This allows you to co-create with others and the Universe in synchronistic ways and what’s in EVERYONE’S Highest Order.
It is about building community and creating Global Collaboration. The Aquarian Age is of Technology and Ecology. Watch for breakthroughs in climate change, food supplies, medicine, and science which are based on global networking of equalized power and shared resources. There will be dramatic changes in the way we communicate and socialize. We’re moving from seeking security to finding innovation and personal sovereignty within.
It’s time to stop thinking about what you lost, or who you’re not, and focus upon and embrace who you are ‘BE’-coming … we are building the energy and raising the frequency during this transitional time. We are becoming aware of things to be released during this period of growth. This is a continual process based on love, creativity, and expansion. With clear intention and focus, we will be able to support ourselves (and each other) and ask for the MORE in each of us to manifest.
We see a time of collective equality and compassion for all, a time where love guides us rather than fear, struggle, and scarcity. It is a time when division and separation disappear. Humankind evolves into full Unity Consciousness, and we take action based on the vibrations of Oneness.
A shift like this only happens once in 2000 years, and this Shift of the Ages will also usher us into the 5th Dimension!
What is the Core Wound of Humanity?
The core wound of Humanity is not knowing who you Truly are (and no one else knows who they are, either). You are transported through the “veil of forgetfulness” when you are born. As a result, you learn who you supposedly are from your parents, guardians, relatives, schoolteachers, religious leaders, society, government, the media, and so on. Everything you think you know is taught to you by people who don’t really know who they are.
Unfortunately, this programming and conditioning (such as co-dependency) is designed to ensure that you don’t rock the boat. Instead, you are molded to “fit in” so you won’t step out of line (or think outside the box). This conditioning causes you to conform by saying, doing, and being what is expected of you. This programming is further instilled within you through the threat of loss, or the need to ‘prove’ your Self worthy to receive love, or what you desire. You come away from this programming feeling less than, not good enough, or like something is ‘wrong’ with you.
Of course, nothing is further from the truth. Underneath all of the programming, you are a Divine Being made of Pure Love. Your SOUL’s Emergence is about reclaiming that Essence of who you Truly are and living the life you came here to live.
One way to address this programming is to take the FREE Co-Dependency Survey to become aware of what conditioning ‘runs’ you. You can take the first step to freedom through understanding what is going on within you. You will receive an in-depth report so you can get started on healing your past.
Go to: https://cocreateyoursuccess.com/codependencysurvey/
What is Frequency and Vibrations?
What is Sacred Geometry?
Let’s admit it … these can be challenging times as we all navigate through the uncertainty of what’s occurring on the planet and within Humanity. The energetics of the shifts can affect you either in a positive or negative way, depending how you handle the stress and changes.
Every one and every thing is energy. Energy has a frequency to it and creates a vibration, which has a feeling tone to it. There are low and High frequencies. Frequencies are also based on numerical and sacred geometric values and qualities.
Sacred geometry is the construct of the Universe and your energetic blueprint and Physical Body are based on Sacred Geometry.
To find out more about Sacred Geometry, go to: https://cocreateyoursuccess.com/sacredgeometry/
Every experience has a frequency which may feel like low, dense energy or light and High … it has a ‘vibe’ to it. Depending on how you interpret or perceive your current or past experience, the vibration may be in alignment with love and your optimal potential and possibilities, or it may be out of alignment or skewed. These can be felt as positive or negative, fearful or loving, and also in alignment with your authentic Self, or out of alignment.
The frequencies create a low or High vibration and what you are ‘vibing’ to within your Self, and then radiating out into the world through your thoughts, beliefs, feeling, words, and actions. The vibrations of the frequencies generate an energetic field that you send out into the world and to the Universe, which, in turn, manifests your outcomes. Stay in the same frequency and vibrations, then you will manifest the same results.
The primary causes that can bring down your frequency are your negative thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. It’s not about the person or the event that triggers you. It’s all about how you respond, rather than react to it. If you are triggered and have a reaction, then it’s all about you and letting you know you have some inner healing work to do. ‘Owning’ it is your first step towards happiness and peace.
Thoughts and feelings can be compared to clouds in the sky – they pass by. The issue with both arises when you grab onto them and let them roil around in your Mind, Heart, and Energy Bodies … Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. Feelings are gifts in that they alert you to something amiss in your environment. Remember, you are always creating with your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Make sure you are manifesting what you really want!
In addition, you came in with a Personal Numerology Blueprint, which is your energetic make-up based on your birth date and birth certificate name. You came in with a SOUL Plan and you vibe to certain numerical frequencies. Numerology is a gateway to your SOUL.
Numbers hold significant values and innate qualities that influence you, your structure and form, and your manifestations. Numbers which are a part of Sacred Geometry represent Universal principles and carry an energetic Essence from which all things evolve. They are a bridge between the physical and the spiritual.
It is key to understand your Numerology Blueprint, because it gives you clues to as to ‘why’ and ‘how’ you operate in life the way you do. And, it helps you navigate through life more easily and gracefully.
You can discover your Personal Numerology Blueprint in a SOUL Map session. Check it out at:
How Do I Manifest My Dreams & Desires?
What you think and feel, you create. Thus, if you worry, or focus on what you don’t have, then those are the results you will manifest. Worry is a misuse of your imagination. Be grateful for what you do have and keep building on the positive.
Worry is low frequency and ‘vibing’ out a message of lack of trust, faith, and belief that you can have what you want and that the Universe does not support you. Worry does not allow you to imagine the fulfillment and manifestation of what you want. Worry gives mixed signals to the Universe. You let your fears – 3rd Dimension, rather than Love … Living Only Vibrant Energy – 5th Dimension dictate your behavior and actions.
When you worry, you lose sight of what you want. You start to cajole, manipulate, and even sacrifice who you are to achieve what you desire. There is an attachment that your intentions ‘show up’ a certain way.
When you realize that you are in the low frequency of worry, you now have a Conscious Choice to move into a Higher frequency such as trust, faith and belief in your Self, others and the Universe.
You do so by healing and transforming what has you worried … maybe the old conditioning and programming is running you. Maybe, you are dragging other past experience (including past lives) into the present. You gather evidence of how it cannot be so due to what happened in the past … these are incomplete energetic cycles that want to be healed and completed so you move forward and be free from the past. You even argue for your limitations.
There are two definitions of FEAR …
FEAR … Finding Evidence that Appears Real
FEAR … Focus Energies to Alter Results
Which do you want?
When you redirect your focus … focus on SOUL-Aligned thoughts, feelings, beliefs, words and actions. When you ask what are your SOUL-Aligned ___________________, it gives your egoic mind a new job. Instead of trying to create a problem to solve, it now is looking for SOUL-Aligned possibilities and SOUL-utions. These are 5th Dimension High frequencies.
We all dip into 3rd Dimension frequencies at times … it is our responsibility to catch it and refocus … use our imagination in a positive way! A great way to do it, is use the Universal Manifestation tool from The Diamond Co-Creative System®. By working with this simple tool, you have asked for the support from the Universe … it will conspire with you and advocate for you.
It helps you gain clarity and focus on what you Truly want. It helps to create vibrational alignment, so you are a match. It also helps you to heal and transform what gets in your way. It assists you to manifest what is in your Highest Order and your Infinite Potential!
And most of all, it helps you imagine and live into your MORE and ALL! And, many times the Universe delivers so much more than you can imagine!
Our gift to you is this Manifestation tool for you to shift worry into wonder … wonder what the Universe and your SOUL has in store for you … allow your Self to imagine manifesting your dreams!
To Manifest Your ALL, receive the gift of the Universal Manifestation Template from The Diamond Co-Creative System® with instructions at: https://cocreateyoursuccess.com/manifestyourall/
What is a Dimension?
Dimensions are planes of existence that manifest and are experienced through various degrees of frequencies and vibrational energy levels. Think of a Dimension as being a band of energetic frequency that you operate, create, and live within; it shapes your life experiences and quality.
What is the Difference Between the 3rd, 4th & 5th Dimensions?
The 3rd Dimension is a denser frequency hallmarked by separation, duality (either/or), “me versus we” thinking, competition, war, greed, and the 1%. It is a timeline that drags the past into the present, recycling all of the old issues physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
In the 3rd Dimension, your Emotional Body has an energetic pattern that is ‘in’ or ‘out’ of alignment with Love. When your energy is not in alignment, it will fuel your fears and negative feelings. When your energetic pattern is in alignment, it fuels your feelings positively, based on the vibrations of love, acceptance, ease, grace, joy, and passion.
The Mental Body energizes your ‘thoughts’ and ‘beliefs’ with what it thinks to be true. The 3rd
Dimension believes it is in control and knows how to keep you safe and secure. It lives mostly in illusion, separation, and skewed perceptions while operating from a survival (fight or flight) mode,
fear, and the past.
The reverse can also be true, in which your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions are ‘run’ by your emotions. If you are in a negative vibration, whether through feelings, thoughts, beliefs, or perceptions, they continue to play out the karmic game (cause and effect), thus keeping you in an energetic pattern and cycle which never seems to end, until you energetically complete it.
The 3rd and 4th Dimensions make up the Lower Creation World, where the game of separation and polarities occur, and the past ‘runs’ you. Before activating your ‘Light’ Body and embodying your SOUL’s Essence, you are mostly aware of the 3rd Dimensional patterning. But, in the 4th Dimension, you are committed to moving beyond the 3rd Dimension. This is when the 4th Dimension can assist you in your shift into Higher frequencies and consciousness.
The 4th Dimension is the energetic bridge between the 3rd and 5th Dimensions. In the 4th Dimension, there is a glimpse of Divine Truth and Light, and you begin to question your perceived state of Reality. You begin to realize it takes more energy to keep you in a state of separation and fear, rather than to simply let go and surrender into love and Spirit. This shift allows you to transmute the negative into a more positive vibration, which then elevates you into operating and creating consistently within the 5th Dimension. You begin to experience more and more expansion by living in the ‘now’, through love, Thrival, and Unity Consciousness.
The 5th Dimension promotes Oneness and Unity Consciousness, where co-creation, collaboration, and cooperation with the Divine and with others, for the good of all, is the priority. It is the sharing of resources and wealth, and where there is reverence for all Beings. In the 5th Dimension, the only timeline is the present moment … living in the now … not dragging in the past or fussing about the future.
As you operate and create within the 5th Dimension, you become aware of your Self as a Master Creator and Co-Creator, and a multi-dimensional Divine being. You are completely spiritually-oriented. Synchronicity is a constant, as is your connection with your Soul’s Essence, Divine Source, and the Universe. It is where the ‘magic’ of manifestation seems to happen, through love, ease, grace, joy, passion, faith, trust, and belief, even during any challenge or uncertain times.
What is the 12th Dimension?
You will see us refer to the 12th Dimension, such as The Diamond Co-Creative System® is 12th Dimensional technology. The 12th Dimension is where ‘All is One’, where there is no separation and humanity experiences complete Unity Consciousness. The 12th Dimension is the epitome of Universal Unification and beyond. In this Dimension, you know your Self to be completely ‘One with All That Is’ with the Creator force. When you tap into the 12th Dimension, you can no longer sustain the same degree of separation in which you have before.
What it The Diamond Co-Creative System®?
The Diamond Co-Creative System® (the System) is life-changing, with its Diamond Energy Codes to help you create an abundance of love, joy, passion, prosperity & so much MORE. It assists you to become aware of and activate your gifts, discover and fulfill your SOUL’s destiny, and brings you into fulfillment and aliveness. It accelerates healing and transformation, as well as manifestation and your Ascension process. With the System you will Energize, Elevate, and Evolve in all aspects of your life, relationships, and contribution to the world.
The System and its Diamond Energy Codes are an ancient alchemical 12th Dimensional leading-edge technology based on the Sacred Geometry of Metatron’s Cube which bridges science and spirituality. Unity Consciousness and the High frequencies of Oneness are held in the 12th Dimension. Sacred Geometry is the construct of the entire Universe and is originated within the frequencies of Love.
Your Body and nature also consist of Sacred Geometry. The Codes realign your Sacred Geometry
at a cellular level to that of Love, and this is why it works!
The Codes, along with the techniques of the System, help you to align with your original Sacred Geometry of Pure Love and the Infinite, so you can thrive and prosper in this lifetime. You can experience immediate and sustainable healings, transformations, and expansion!
These Diamond Energy Codes assist you to ….
- Accelerate personal awareness, transformation and evolution.
- Open your awareness and intuition, while expanding your gifts.
- Heal, transform, and realign energetically,
- Elevate into 5th Dimensional vibrations and beyond.
- Embody your SOUL’s Essence and quicken your Ascension process.
The System goes to the Core Origination Point for Healing. Unlike other modalities which may only address symptoms of issues and past pain, the System helps heal at the Core Origination Point … whether in this lifetime, in past lives, or from family imprints, and lineage and genetic encodings. You do not need to control, or even understand, this energetic process due to the Code’s Divine-Cell Consciousness. The Codes will move into areas that need assistance at whatever level you require.
Transformation Beyond Healing … The System assists you to manifest, expand & evolve into your SOUL’s greater Purpose & Plan. The System will only help manifest what is in your Highest Order & Infinite Potential!
The Codes do not compete with any other modality, or spiritual practice … they will only enhance them from the 12th Dimension where ‘All is One’! The 12th Dimension technology of the System opens the doorway for Oneness and Unity with the Divine Cell Consciousness of the Energy Codes. When you tap into the 12th Dimension, you can no longer sustain any kind of separation due to its vibrations of Unity Consciousness and Oneness.
Click Here for more information about The Diamond Co-Creative System®.
An easy way to get to know the System and the Codes is through …
(1) A SOUL’s Journey with The Diamond Co-Creative System® 28-Day online program. Open up your awareness and doorways to connect with your SOUL’s Essence at a whole new level to ignite your life, health & well-being, relationships, finances, and career or business!
Go to: https://cocreateyoursuccess.com/28daysoulsjourney/
(2) The Diamond Code Club … connect with Amanda and the Diamond Co-Creator community each month to learn about one of the Energy Codes of The Diamond Co-Creative System® and how to integrate it into your daily life as it helps you energize, elevate, and evolve into your MORE!
Check it out at: https://cocreateyoursuccess.com/diamondcodeclub/
The Diamond Co-Creative System® is proprietary intellectual property developed by Amanda Slade since 2001. We are now offering an opportunity for you to be accredited to utilize the System, so you can integrate it within your own business or practice and serve your clients with the System. The System will set you apart from other practitioners, coaches, and teachers with a modality that really works!
For more information about our Diamond Co-Creative System® Accreditation for Coaches,
Practitioners & Teachers, go to: https://cocreateyoursuccess.com/diamondcocreativesystemaccreditation/
What is Energetic Integrity?
Simply put, Energetic Integrity means being responsible for keeping your energy field clean, clear, and current. This clarity allows you to be in the present, keep your balance, and be connected to all of your internal resources … your intellect, intuition, feelings, and the innate strength and wisdom of your Physical Body. In this way, you are grounded and connected to the earth, to Nature herself, and to your Source connection that brings through your guidance, intuitions, and to the opportunities that help you fulfill your purpose and destiny.
Many have ‘energy zappers’ in your lives – those that feed off of your energy, leaving you feeling depleted, confused, and irritated. The first step in eliminating ‘energy zappers’ is recognizing who they are and then reducing your time with them and, perhaps, letting them go from your life completely. ‘Energy zappers’ always require you to expend more energy to take care of their needs. You can feel when the energetic exchange is “off.” Once you eliminate your enabling behaviors of over-giving or being the caretaker, you can eliminate the energy zapper. By setting and keeping healthy boundaries, you can maintain your energetic integrity.
What is a Chakra?
Your Chakras are both transmitters and receivers of energy. Your chakras ‘vibe’ out and transmit energy into the world, as well as receive energy from others and what or whom may be in your environment. We are communicating to one another via our Chakras whether we are aware of it or not.
Think about the phrase, “That hit me in the gut (or my heart)”. Your Solar Plexus Chakra (gut), or Heart Chakra felt the energy that was being sent to it either by someone or something. Understanding your Chakra system is the key to understanding what’s going on for you energetically, and what you are sending out and attracting.
Your Chakra system lets you know how your Energy Bodies … Bodies of Consciousness are being energetically impacted and affecting you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Are you open and being present in the moment? If yes, your energy is flowing and brighter. Or, is there an energetic block? If blocked, it is typically tied to the past (this lifetime and others), conditioning, programming, and encodings.
It is important to bring your Chakras into ‘Present Time’. By doing so, you can operate and function in Higher vibrational energy fields. Think of it like … if you are tuned into a lower frequency because your Chakras are full of (and held down) by ‘old’ energetics, then you can’t be present in the moment and tuned into the Higher frequency of Love, the 5th Dimension, and your MORE.
It’s very much like the analogy of a radio station. If you are not in alignment with Love and High frequency vibrations of the 5th Dimension, then the station is static and not clear, so you can’t hear, see, or feel what wants to come through. As you fine tune your frequencies, then the messages are clear, and you are following a SOUL-Aligned path.
When you do the healing work and energetically realign, you can then energetically feed your Chakras with MORE updated and current information. You can Consciously Choosing a Higher frequency, so you can operate, create, and live within 5th Dimension vibrations.
What are your Energy Bodies … Bodies of Consciousness?
Again, you are energy. And, so is your Physical Body as well as other Bodies of Consciousness.
There are nine Bodies of Consciousness which includes your Physical Body (the most dense so it manifests as matter), then the Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Karmic/Causal, Spiral, Astral, Gravitational, and Celestial Energy Bodies (the least dense).
Each Energy Body has a purpose and helps to make up the sum of the whole of you energetically. It is important to take care of your Chakras and Energy Bodies, so you can create what you want in your life, health & well-being, relationships, finances, money flow, career or business, and spirituality.
We suggest you learn about each of your Chakras and Energy Bodies and use the Elevation Code Protocols from The Diamond Co-Creative System®, so you can be happier, more confident, and grounded, while you thrive and prosper in all you are ‘BE’-ing and ‘DO’-ing!
You can do so through our Vibrate to Radiance … Elevate Your Health & Well-Being!
Go to: https://cocreateyoursuccess.com/vibratetoradiance/
What is Genetic Encoding?
Genetic Encoding is what is passed on to you through the genetics of your biological parents and family. Genetics predispose you to particular conditions and diseases carried within and passed down through their DNA and genetics. However, by no means will these absolutely occur. You can transmute your genetic encodings at the cellular level to prevent these conditions or diseases. Or, if symptoms or an onset have occurred, you can heal the encodings and the issues within your Physical Body.
If your mother or father has lung issues, heart disease, or diabetes, you can address them before they happen. For instance, lungs are where grief, regrets, and upset are energetically held. By addressing these issues on an energetic level (within your Heart Chakra and Emotional Body of Consciousness) and release the genetic encodings (in your Spiral Body of Consciousness), you can complete the cycle of the genetics passed down to you AND also heal your lungs and clear out the energetics of the past.
What are Lineage Encodings?
You inherit energetic patterns passed down from your ancestors through your lineage which are called lineage encodings. Your ancestors pass on their beliefs and patterns to you through your bloodline (lineage). These typically out-of-date and extremely limiting.
For example, the lineage of being a woman carries a lot of energetic baggage. Women have felt disempowered lifetime after lifetime. Women were not allowed to own property, have money of
their own, or even vote. In addition, women were feared by men due to their intuitive (and perceived) magical powers and were deemed as evil. Through the ages, women were suppressed, maimed, or killed to keep them small and not in their power.
Other lineage encodings can result from your culture or religious lineage, such as Judaism, in
which you are considered Jewish if your maternal bloodline is Jewish. Lineages can carry patterns
of protection that cause women to believe they shouldn’t be visible, that they will be persecuted,
and these feelings can cause guilt/shame, and victimhood imprints and patterns.
These lineage encodings can be energetically shifted in your Chakras and Energy Bodies, allowing you to think for your Self and create new beliefs and patterns that work for you in present day time to lead a quality life. They no longer need to ‘run’ you.
Are There Past Lives & How Do They Impact me?
We ask you to consider the possibility of past lives if you have not considered or believed in them up until now. And you’ll see why. Think of something you have tried to change in your life.
For instance, you may have a fear of drowning. You may not know where this came from, but every time you get near water or go in a pool, a lake, or an ocean, a panic takes rushes you. As time goes on, you might even avoid getting in the water, altogether. Many have drowned in a past life, especially those who lived in Atlantis.
Another example is a fear of visibility, or even that of success. Let’s say you are building your business or you are in a relationship that you want to expand into more. However, you get to a certain point and feel like you are blocked, can’t go further, or even ‘Self-sabotage’ by not getting things done (you quit in the midst of a project or don’t follow-up with potential clients). Or, in your relationship, you start creating problems to push the other person away (or even create it so they leave you … thus you get to be right about how they abandoned you).
You tell your Self that you will change, or that you will never do something again, but end up creating the same scenarios with the same results. Viscerally (a gut feeling), you know something keeps pulling you back to do the same thing. You know something is “off”, but you don’t know what to do about it.
What we are describing is a ‘bleed through’ of an incomplete energetic cycle. They are thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that have created your patterns of behaviors, habits, and results. You have it ‘wired’ up a certain way, such as being visible or “success = loss”, or “love = pain”. These are held at a subconscious and cellular level and must be completed so there is no longer a ‘bleed through’.
Often, past lives leave a residue and there are cords created in one life that are transferred to the next lifetime (or lifetimes), until the agreement which created the cords is broken and the cycle is complete. When you have a negative past life with someone (or someone that reminds you of the type of energy they represent or a certain kind of situation), it is impossible to see who or what they really are in this lifetime. Your perception of them is colored by your past life experience. Clearing past lives brings you more powerfully into the present moment, and allows you the freedom to move into what’s really True for you and create an authentic life.
All of us have had hundreds, if not thousands, of past lives. Up until now, life on Earth has been likened to being in school. You are here to learn your lessons, to experience life, and to grow spiritually. You evolve through a series of Soul Ages that reflect different stages of your learning.
You prepare for each lifetime by creating a plan with our Spirit Guides (see below), which includes what you want to learn and complete from the past, what you want to teach, and what you want to contribute to Humanity and the planet. This allows to move through old stuck energies and past difficulties, in all aspects of life and relationships, and to repay any karma you have created throughout your lifetimes. Any lessons learned, and what you have completed from the past, are held in your SOUL’s Essence, and anything you still have to learn or resolve goes into your Akashic records.
The challenge for all of us in this lifetime is that we have agreed to clear everything, so that we can be a part of the Ascension process. And clearing past lives is an important component of your healing and transformation to evolve into your ALL!
A great way to address and energetically transform your conditioning and programming, Genetic and Lineage Encodings, and present life issues, and past life bleed throughs is to commit to your healing, transformation and evolution into your MORE and ALL. You can do so by investing in one of the following:
Conscious Choice Coaching at:
Diamond Energetic Sessions at:
The ‘ALL In’ Journey at:
Customized SOUL Immersion VIP Days at:
Am I More than My Physical Body & What are My Clair-Gifts?
Yes, you are more than your Physical Body. You are a multi-dimensional spiritual being who is having a human experience. You are eternal and infinite, thus you can tap into the Infinite energies of the Divine and the Universe.
You have within you certain Divine Birthright gifts … Divine Love and Light, Divine Compassion and Grace, Divine Wisdom and Power, Divine Abundance and Prosperity, and Divine Gratitude. Part of your journey is access these and utilize them in your everyday life.
In addition, you came in with other gifts, talents, and skills. Many of them get buried by your programming and conditioning as you grow up because of family or society. In fact, you may be aware of your gifts, but when you were young they were possibly shut down which usually happens before you were 7 years old. This often becomes our ‘wounded inner child’.
As you do your healing and transformation to clear out the ‘old’ energetics that are blocking your Chakras and Energy Bodies, you can tap back into your Clair-gifts.
The four main clair-gifts are:
- People who are clair-audient have the power to hear things outside the range of normal perception. Those with this ability can hear things which are not audible to the ear in the natural waking state. They can hear multi-dimensional beings such as Guides, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and even those who have passed over.
- People who are clair-sentient can sense other than what’s physically there and they can feel energy; many times, they are empaths. It is the most down-to-earth of the four intuitive gifts. Those having this ability often have a ‘gut’ feeling about a person, place, or situation.
- In simple terms, a clair-cognizant has the ability to know things without any proof, logic, or reason. Those with this ability have an ‘inner knowing’ feeling or thought that they can’t dismiss, even if they tried. They learn to accept that they don’t need to know why or how.
- A clair-voyant has the claimed ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception. They often ‘see’ information like a movie playing on a screen in their mind. Many can see auric fields and colors around a person or object.
What are your gifts? Working with The Diamond Co-Creative System® can assist you to accelerate your process of remembering them and further developing your clair-gift(s).}
What is a Lightworker, Lightbearer, or Wayshower?
All of us are a Spiritual Being having a Human experience. We came here to embody who we Truly are … our SOUL’s Essence which is eternal and infinite. Some came here to be of service in a certain way, but know that all of us are here to experience love and to share love.
A Lightworker, Lightbearer, or Wayshower is a Spiritual Being who has chosen to be of service to the Divine (Light & Love) in this lifetime. They are bearers of the Light and show the way to help uplift Humanity and the world into Higher vibrations of Love and Unity Consciousness. The terms are used interchangeably depending on the preference of the person.
Who is a Lightworker, Lightbearer, or Wayshower? Many of our alternative healers, channelers, spiritual teachers, guides, and thought leaders, and disruptors or catalysts are such, in that they feel compelled to be of assistance in Humanity’s healing, transformation, spiritual growth, and evolution.
But, understand that many Lightworkers, Lightbearers, or Wayshowers can be the innovators, inventors, and pioneers within different fields such as technology, ecology, food, science, medicine, etc., to help Humanity. Or, they can be teachers, writers, musicians, actors, influencers, disruptors, and activists who help get a new message out and lead through their vocations.
Or, they can simply be our mom or dad, grandparents, or a person whose mission is to make this earth a better place. They want to share kindness, happiness, love, positivity, and inspiration with others, just by being who they are.
The misnomer is that a Lightworker, Lightbearer, or Wayshower has to claim their ‘title’ or ‘role’, rather than just ‘BE’ who they Truly are. Many go about their days, not even realizing what they are ‘BE’-ing and ‘DO’-ing … spreading light, love, and joy (all 5th Dimension vibrations), just by showing up and being themselves … it could be a janitor, store clerk, road worker, schoolteacher, or grandma.
There is no hierarchy, separation, or better/less than. And, it’s essential for all to attend to their own needs and not sacrifice themselves. Part of the journey for Lightworkers is to find a healthy balance and release codependent tendencies to be in servitude, rather than to be of service. It is important that they first focus on their own healing, growth, and evolution, so they can then help others.
What is a Spirit Guide?
Spirit Guides are ‘Beings’ without Physical Bodies, who are fully aligned with the Light and Love and are here to assist YOU. They also assist with helping us through the Shift of the Ages and have volunteered to be of service to Humanity. Some of the Guides have had human incarnations, while others have not.
Every person arrives with at least two Guides and a Guardian Angel. These are the Guides that help you to set up your SOUL’s Plan. As a reminder, you go through the veil of forgetfulness when you are born, so your Guides are the ones who help to remind you who you really are and what you came here to do.
At times, some specialist Guides come in and assist you for a specific purpose. You can ask for one of these specialists if you feel you need additional assistance in any area of your life, such as your health, relationships, sexuality, finances, spirituality, vocation, or even your business.
Cosmic Law states that no Guide may interfere in your process without being invited – so it’s important to ask your Guides for their help. You may see, sense, or feel the presence of your
Guides and, the more attention you give them, the more they will support you.
This can be done through meditation, through your prayers and intentions, and simply by asking,
and then listening. Your Guides may ‘speak’ to you directly, or give you messages through other people, or through signs (like certain animals showing up or seeing a billboard along the road),
or by pulling Angel or Tarot cards, or journaling, just to name a few ways to interact with them.
Remember, you are not alone. Your team of Guides is always with you and more than willing to love and support you. Just ask, and they will be right by your side.
Who is the Unification Council of 12?
The Unification Council of 12, or sometimes referred to as the Unification Council, are Divine ‘Beings’ of the Higher Worlds who serve the Divine, Love, and Light. They work with the Elohim, the Galactic Council, and other Councils of Light, Ascended Masters, and Archangels to help raise the frequencies and Consciousness, not only here on this earth and with Humankind, but have also assisted other worlds and galaxies to Ascend into Higher Dimensions and Love. They are devoted to Universal Unification, and beyond.
Their primary purpose in revealing themselves now is to teach and assist you (and all of Humankind) to Ascend into Unity Consciousness while maintaining, creating, and living within the 5th Dimension or beyond. The Unification Council of 12 is the source from which new configurations of the Energy Codes and new Elevation and Ascension Principles & Codes have been ‘downloaded’.
Who is the Galactic Priestess of Light Council?
The Galactic Priestess of Light Council hold the Divine Feminine energies, while the Unification Council holds not only the energies of Oneness, but that of the Divine Masculine too. In co-creating with them, we are creating the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and Masculine … the balance and the flow of the Yin/Yang within each of us, and assisting Humanity to do the same.
The Priestess Council consists of the Ascended Masters representing Mother Earth – Isis, Quan Yin, and Mary Magdalene, and three Ascended Beings from the Sirius star system, and three each from Pleiades and Venus. The Priestess Council helps to bring in more Light & Love within you and throughout the world. They help you to embody your ALL … Absolute Light & Love.
Love is the pathway to Oneness and Unification! Both Councils assist us to integrate and assimilate this new information and frequencies of the 5th Dimension, and beyond, with the new Elevation Principles and Codes.
You can experience the Councils and the new teachings in the Evolve Your ALL! 5th Dimension Mentorship program. Find out more at: https://cocreateyoursuccess.com/evolveyourallmentorship/
We do offer a complimentary Create Your ALL! consultation with Amanda Slade, if you have questions and desire clarification about your journey and SOUL’s Plan. Click Here to book yours for FREE!
“Since my introduction to the Diamond Co-Creative System® several years ago, it has been a delight to play and practice with the Energy Codes. As the System has evolved and expanded, the conscious choice in my life has evolved and expanded. The Codes offer tools to successfully step out from the ordinary and into the realm of new possibilities.”
– Marypat, Retired Teacher, MO
“Amanda is absolutely amazing! I have grown so much personally and professionally since working with her. The Diamond Co-Creative System® has changed me and is now an integral part of my daily life. I love working with the Manifestation Template which, by the way, works every time! I also highly recommend the Evolve Your All Mentorship Program. It will uplevel your awareness and assist you in diving deeper into understanding what it means to live in 5th Dimension thinking. Book a 30-minute consultation with her today! I promise you, it will change your life!”
– Jada, Executive Coach, CA
“I met Amanda through a course at Renaissance Unity in Warren Michigan. I had no idea what I had in store for me over these years. From opening my 5th Chakra, to finding my Spirit Guides, the Divine Councils, the many ups and downs of my life, it’s been an amazing journey … one that I never imagined. Amanda has been my cheerleader in every situation, talking me down from the ledge many times, showing me how to take small steps to find who I am meant to be. Through energetic healing, swimming with the Dolphins, many seminars and coaching calls, I have been blessed to know and learn from Amanda. She has never let me quit when I felt so down, but has reflected how far I have journeyed, never losing sight of the small steps that add up to miles. In 1990, I told God that if the next 40 years were like the last 40 I wanted out. Well, He sure took me at my word because He has lead me to great mentors like Amanda to guide me. Thank you Amanda for being the Light and Love for me!”
– Lynne, Happily Retired, NC
“I am so grateful to Amanda and her guides to co-create, manifest, and play in 5th Dimension energies over the years through her retreats and one-on-one sessions. When a challenge in my life arises, I go to Amanda for she is like a Chiropractor for the Soul, realigning all your Bodies of Consciousness so as to energize, elevate, and evolve into your Highest possibilities. Her sessions are truly an investment into creating Soul-utions and Manifesting your All. We were blessed to sell our home with ease in 2 weeks with her assistance and writing our desires in the Universal Manifestation template. Thank you Amanda for Living Only Vibrant Energy and radiating it to the world!”
– Cynthia, Wisdom Keeper, CA
“The Diamond Co-Creative System® has changed my life. It has become my ‘go to’ for everything, and I engage it many times each day. It has helped me to heal from intense past-life and current-life situations, as well as co-dependency and childhood attachment trauma. Also, the Universal Manifestation Template helped me to move to my dream town within two months of writing out my clear intentions. For anyone seeking deep change and healing, including for stubborn issues, Amanda and the System are highly recommended.”
– Abigail, Technical Administrator, OR
