The System That REALLY Works!

The Diamond Co-Creative System® (the System) is an ancient, alchemical, and leading-edge 12th Dimension technology that offers energetic and vibrational alignment with your Highest Order and Infinite Diamond Potential. It helps you to Energize, Elevate, and Evolve into your ALL!

The System can activate any aspect of your life (or business) and accelerates your awareness, connection, healing, transformation, and manifestation on ALL levels. The System is grounded in Sacred Geometry. This is  the foundation and construct from which all is created, including YOU!

Diamond … Your Soul’s Essence (spirit) embodied and expressed through your personality/egoic Self to project the brilliance of who you Truly are … Love and the MORE
Co-Creative … You are a Creator … co-creating within your Self (your Masculine, Feminine, and Inner Child energies), with your Soul’s Essence and the Divine, with the Universe, and with others
System … Tools, techniques, and teachings to help you Transform, Align, Manifest, and Expand

Energy Strip

The System is based on Sacred Geometry and composed of Energy Codes and Templates, which are simply different groupings of the Energy Codes. Each Energy Code is comprised of Sacred Geometric technology, Universal light language, and sound vibrations. They operate within the construct of Divine Love, Universal Laws, and spiritual principles, AND science and physics to activate your MORE.

The Energy Codes and Templates accelerate and expand you to reach a deeper level of discovery, connection, feeling, knowing, and evolution. The Energy Codes have their own unique Sacred Geometric symbols, which give them different qualities, vibrational frequencies, and purposes to assist you.

“The Diamond Co-Creative System® has changed my life. It has become my ‘go to’ for everything, and I engage it many times each day. It has helped me to heal from intense past-life and current-life situations, as well as co-dependency and childhood attachment trauma. Also, the Universal Manifestation Template helped me to move to my dream town within two months of writing out my clear intentions. For anyone seeking deep change and healing, including for stubborn issues, Amanda and the System are highly recommended.”
~ Abigail, Technical Administrator, OR

Why The System Works &
How It Is Different From Others!

Since the System is based on Sacred Geometry , the Energy Codes and Templates help you to align your vibrations and consciousness with Divine Love and your sacred geometric Divine Blueprint. The System works with your SOUL Codes of Destiny and personal Numerological Blueprint, so you can Truly embody your Soul’s Essence and manifest through the Fifth Dimensional (‘5D’) frequencies and paradigm.

Finally, unlike other modalities which typically address only the symptoms, the System goes to the root of the problem. It helps you discover the Origination Point of an issue, pattern, misalignment, pain, wounding, etc., so it can be healed and completed ONCE AND FOR ALL.

And, the good news! If you use other modalities or spiritual practices, it does not compete them … it will only enhance them.

PLUS the System goes beyond the healing process, so you can align and create NEW types of manifestations with NEW energetics. This NEW 5th Dimension foundation provides the ability to evolve into your ALL, which is now vibrationally congruent with your Soul’s Essence, Highest Order, and Infinite Diamond Potential. The Diamond … your Divine Brilliance.

By utilizing the System, you have the freedom to co-create with the Divine and live in the 5th Dimension of love, joy, flow, prosperity, and abundance. And, since it is 12th Dimension technology, it assists you to create Unity and Oneness within, as well as with others and the world. You can be the shift to help the Unification of Humanity into One!

To find out even more about the System, download this PDF!

In working with Amanda I addressed my hurt, anger, shame and guilt that was pervasive throughout my life. I was always trying to please others, didn’t know how or when to say no. More importantly, I felt out of touch with myself so I didn’t even know what I wanted or what I was even capable of doing.

I use the tools from The Diamond Co-Creative System® on a daily basis. I even hang the Universal ‘L’ in my office to help me and others throughout the day to stay in a co-creative and empowering energy. It’s so great to have a tool that is so easy to use and yet so powerful to assist me to create what I desire! Now I go home feeling good, satisfied, fulfilled at the end of the day. I am energized to live life fully.”
~ Linda, IT Vice President, MI 

You can experience the System and manifest even MORE and live into your ALL with our FREE gift of the Universal Manifestation Template!

Click Here to claim your MORE & ALL!