Move from Overwhelm or Confusion into Clarity & Empowerment!

Would you say there’s a lot going on in your world and also the world around you? Do you feel like you are constantly being bombarded with information, offers, and people telling you what you ‘should’ think and do?

Here in the U.S. we can really relate with our upcoming elections. It’s sometimes difficult to hear yourself think and also discern what is true for you.

I invite you to embrace the Universal Law of Compassion and the energy of Compassion so you can move from overwhelm or confusion into clarity and empowerment.

What if today was your loved one’s last day here on earth, or for that matter, your last day? How would you treat yourself or another … would it be differently? Would you forgive and let go of past pains, worries, traumas, and ill wills of yourself or one another? Would any of the past really matter?

How does one’s consciousness shift if you approach others and yourself through invoking the Law of Compassion to be your guiding principle?

Within the consciousness of Compassion, there is Love free of conditions … there is no judgment and there is acceptance of one’s True Nature which, of course, is Divine Love. Compassion does not see the past, it does not see race nor color, it does not see rich nor poor, and it does not see better than or less than. 
Compassion allows you to be in a vibration that releases the light of wisdom into a field of knowledge which can enrich one’s life and the world. Compassion assists to create a Unified field of Love.

It flows through your heart as you connect with the Divine and your True Self . . . your Soul’s Essence, or what is the Diamond Brilliance of who you Truly Are . . . the Divine-cell consciousness within you.
When you allow yourself to be compassionate with yourself and with others, suffering, strife, lack, and drama within your life will cease to exist. It allows the freedom for you to be in observance and awareness of what is really occurring within your life, and free of the filters from the past, pain, and trauma. 
The filters are the results of experiences that we have in which we decide whether they are positive or negative. These create belief systems and patterns that affect our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions. 

You have heard of rose-colored glasses. Well, our filters are the glasses through which we decipher each experience we have, which may or may not be the Truth of what is Truly occurring in this present moment.

Compassion is a tool that you can use to discern what is True for you. Within the word Compassion are the words CompassPassion, and Pass.

When you come from the energy of compassion you can interpret what you are being given either from a person, opportunity, challenge, or situation by listening to your intuition … your inner guidance … a feeling felt within your heart and/or solar plexus which is sourced from your Soul’s Essence and the Divine.
Intuition is not a function of the mind, so if you find yourself thinking about it – trying to figure it out, then open yourself to feeling into what is True. Your intuition is guided from your Soul and the Divine

So, your intuition is the Compass, and you utilize it by asking “does [whatever you are considering] tap into your Passion … does it energize, inspire, or uplift me?” If so, then your answer is “Yes!” to the question, person, or opportunity.

Or, as you feel into the “ask” or opportunity, “Does this drain, deplete, or simply not feel good for me?” If this is the case, then the choice would be to Pass on it and say, “No.”

This can mean passing on it entirely, or just for the present moment, because it may not be in your Highest Order or Divine Timing.

You are now making a Conscious Choice based on Love and Compassion sourced from Divine guidance and your Soul’s wisdom. You can now move from a feeling of overwhelm or confusion to clarity and confidence.

Compassion allows freedom of detachment. When you invite it into your life, you release the attachment that your Self, others, or that a situation must show up in a particular way or have a certain result.

It allows for the Divine and the Universe to help you manifest the dream that’s optimal for you. Remember, you may only have one piece of the puzzle and a glimpse from your limited perspective … the Universe sees the ‘big’ picture.
So, how do you invoke the energy and feeling of compassion within your life? It’s easy.  Just ask the question, “What would Love do?” or some ask, “What would the Divine or Jesus (or Mother Theresa, Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, Quan Yin) do?” The other question can be … “What is my SOUL-Aligned action?”
This allows you to be empowered to make powerful and wise decisions and choices not based on the past but that within the present.

Start the day with the commitment that you will treat yourself and those around you as if it is their last day on earth. It provides a consciousness, energy, and the spirit of giving of yourself, free of conditions and in compassion.

It is the simple smile and the simplest, most humble gesture that heals, builds, and transforms one’s life and the world to be the vibration and fullness of Divine Love. It is crucial that you begin with yourself. For if you are not compassionate with your Self, then you cannot be so with others. 
And remember, “We Are All One”. All of your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings affect your reality with your Self and others. As we are all energy, our energies weave together into a beautiful tapestry of creation and reality that each of us experience within our lives and in the world. 

Take this into the next few weeks and begin a new practice by invoking Compassion to be your guide.

November’s Code of the month in the Diamond Code Club is Compassion! Take this opportunity to join us and invoke the Compassion Code in your daily life. And, interestingly enough our Code meeting is on U.S. Election Day, 11/5! You can’t make these coincidences up!

Amanda & Soul Team