Is it better to give than to receive? You’re automatic response may be “yes!”
Many tend to over give and over do based on this belief system and what we were told and taught. We were conditioned and programmed that this is so but in reality it is not true … we invite you to consider otherwise.
We’re not saying not to give … you definitely want to give but in equal measure of receiving so you do not deplete, drain, or sacrifice yourself. You do not want to well to run dry, but to actually keep it full and overflowing so you can give even more.

Think of giving and receiving like an Infinity sign where both sides are equal, not lopsided. There is a beautiful flow that occurs from one side to the other.
So how do you create this flow? You do it by implementing the Universal Law of Abundance in your life …
The Universal Law of Abundance is sometimes referred to as the Law of Opulence or Success. By creating visualizations of abundance in your life, you can draw this energy of success into your reality.
Success or abundance does not only apply to money. There is success in living your life fully, your spirituality, your health and well-being, ways of communication, being in heart-centered relationships, and so on.
When creating the abundance of financial gain … remember to be ‘IN’ this world (3rd Dimension physical manifestations), but not ‘OF’ this world. Your possessions do not represent the sum total of who you are.

Within the Universe, abundant (and Infinite) resources exist, with resources flowing through the energies of giving and receiving. If you need or want something (or someone), then create space within your life, so you are ready to receive it. The Universe will recognize the opening and your willingness to receive and fill it with abundance.
As you transcend any fears of scarcity or ‘not enough’, or even the need to hold onto things (or people), hoarding, or greed, giving and receiving within your life experience will come into balance. Thus, you move into a ‘state of abundance’.
In a state of abundance, you have the experience of having ‘more than enough’ to meet your needs and wants and to fulfill your purpose upon Earth. The imbalance of giving and receiving causes the experience and feelings of lack, scarcity, and/or hoarding within one’s life.
Lack is the result of giving without receiving. Scarcity is the result of believing there is limited supply. Hoarding is the result of receiving without giving. All of these reflect a non-trusting that there’s enough for all and that the Universe is abundant.
Abundance is the experience of having more than enough, and even that of surplus. This requires the complete balance of giving and receiving in which lack, scarcity, or hoarding are NOT experienced.
Upon the physical Earth plane, so much time and energy has become devoted to the purpose of sustaining one’s lifestyle. As such, it has detracted from the actual purpose for which a Soul incarnates into physical form. A Soul incarnates to spiritually evolve, to experience life in a Physical Body, and to fulfill its Purpose.
When so much of your life is devoted to “making a living”, there’s little energy or time available for spiritual evolution. Much of the time is expended in the pursuits of monetary gain, which is often the result of inflated expectations of financial success, or a lifestyle that does not really support your spiritual endeavors. It is for this reason that devotion to your spiritual evolution may need to preclude (or be adjusted) in your desire for wealth, or an exorbitant lifestyle.
On the other side of the pendulum, there are also those upon the spiritual path who believe that they must give everything away in order to be considered devoted and to fulfill their purpose. With this belief system, one will continually create lack and not enough to even pay their bills.
To transcend a belief in lack, or an erroneous belief around money and what it means, you must also learn how to allow yourself to receive full compensation for all that you give … this all a part of Universal Law of Divine Compensation.

You came here for a reason … allow yourself to be supported in fulfilling your purpose. This includes financially. The Universe is your Source AND it flows through people investing in what you offer or sell, and even those that gift money or resources to you.
When you accept their money, you’re helping them fulfill their agreements (which may have been made in other lifetimes or even before they incarnated) and their purpose to help you in accepting what they offer.
With balanced giving and receiving, the amount charged for a particular service must be in alignment with the energy expended in the service offered. The person who is charging must be in vibrational alignment with their fee as well so there is congruency for both parties, and it flows with ease and grace.
All energetic exchanges in giving and receiving must be in equal measure, or karma ends up being accrued by one or both parties. If too much is charged, karma is accrued. If too little or nothing is charged, karma is again accrued.
Within the 5th Dimension and beyond, it is not an either/or … it is an AND – spiritual evolution AND wealth on all levels. It is your Divine Compensation to live a prosperous and abundant life!