Well, when you are in flow, all seems to come together effortlessly and gracefully. There is more flow of energy, synchronicities, ideas, creativity, and prosperity. When you’re not in flow, things can seem to be a struggle, not quite working for you, and it feels like there are road blocks.
So how do you get into optimal flow? It begins with the Universal Law of Order of Creation which is the law that carries energy all the way through to its fruition to create form. That which begins and comes to us is first conceived in Spirit (the etherics), and grows within the mental and emotional, and manifests in the physical.
It is the means and Source or the manner in which the Divine powers are centralized and channeled within and through us. The Divine Co-Creative process begins within the etherics and flows through your Spiritual Body of Consciousness, then into the Mental Body, then the Emotional Body, and manifests through the Physical Body which materializes in form on the physical plane.

This Law is complimented by the Universal Law of Prayer and Meditation. Prayer is a conscious, concentrated expression of Self to communicate with Spirit, a Higher Power, or however you would term the Omnipresence of Divine Source for yourself.
Prayer is an alignment and cleansing process which opens up your inner Self to the Source of all life. It is also an invocation to invite Divine guidance to raise your consciousness and vibration. It invokes more Love and Light to enter into your life.
In prayer, you are doing ‘the talking’ . . . sending forth your questions, your desires and requests, and your gratitude.

In meditation, you’re doing ‘the listening’. Meditation provides the means to hear the answers to your prayers. It allows for guidance to be received as you free and empty yourself to be present in the moment and not be concerned with what is around you.
Meditation gives you an opportunity to receive clarity and to feel calm, peaceful, balanced, and rejuvenated. It provides you the ability to become attuned with what is in your Highest Order and Infinite Potential with any thing in your life – small or large – and creates an alignment for it to manifest. The attunement and alignments are energetic in nature which then can manifest into form.
So let’s look at how you can put this into practice within your life. If your life seems chaotic or you’re not achieving what you desire . . . in your personal growth including Self-confidence, power, and strength, in relationships, in your vocation or career, in your financial sustainability and wealth . . . then what is out of alignment?
Where is the breakdown occurring? The breakdown first occurs if a person is not utilizing prayer and meditation. Each of us have this great resource of Divine Power and Wisdom at our finger tips but do not necessarily utilize what is available. It would be like you choosing to drive your car down a bumpy, muddy dirt road when next to you is a smooth, paved road.
I remember when I came back on my spiritual path over 39 years ago. I was married at the time and within four months of our wedding, we were on the brink of destroying each other and the marriage. We went to counseling and luckily we chose a metaphysical psychotherapist.
In my first appointment she asked “Do I believe in God?” and I answered “Yes.” “Do I meditate?” and I said, “No” (especially since I really didn’t understand what meditation was about). And she asked, “Do I pray?” and I responded, “Only when things are bad.” She then asked, “And are you now?” with my answer being “No” once again.
I quickly realized how out of touch and disconnected I was with myself and Divine Source. In that realization, it made sense why I couldn’t fully be there for my husband and marriage because I wasn’t there for me.
I began to introduce new ways of approaching my life. It began with me getting in touch on a spiritual level so I could reconnect with Spirit and my True Self; this included daily prayer. I also started to write in a journal to let out all the feelings and thoughts I had bottled up within me.

Judith Cameron’s book, The Artist Way, is an excellent way to assist you in ways to journal. I was learning about how to write your three morning pages a day to get in touch with me. You may say as I did, “how can I write three pages each day?” I can relate … I was hoping sticky notes could be the size of the pages.
She instructs you to write about anything which can be as simple as – the birds are singing, the sky is blue, I have to go to the grocery store today. Eventually what happens is your emotions and thoughts percolate to the top and your hand begins to write about what you are Truly feeling and thinking. As this occurs, you look forward to your time to journal because you are connecting with the inner spirit of your Self. You open up to you, your inspirations, your passions, your creativity, your flow.
Now the big one – meditation. There are many traditions of what meditation is and how and when to meditate. I was very confused by this and thought I was doing it wrong when I ventured into it which kept me from doing it.
What I have found meditation is simply a means to become connected within yourself and with Divine Source so you can create a state of ‘BE’-ingness attuned with the Highest Order and Potential vibrations within all aspects of your life.
It can happen through many avenues and processes. Meditation comes in many forms . . . it can be sitting in silence, writing, walking in the woods, listening to music, and so on. The key is to ‘quiet’ the egoic mind as you do so.
What is ‘quieting’ the egoic mind? It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have no thoughts. It does mean to ask the egoic mind not to filter the inspiration and ideas coming from Spirit through your perceptions based on belief systems, programming, conditioning, and fears and illusions created from the past.
Ask the egoic mind to step aside as you enter meditation and breathe in the energy and the information that is given to you. This allows yourself to be aligned and attuned with your True Self and the guidance that will assist you in fulfilling your Highest Order and Infinite Potential.
When the egoic mind filters the energy and information given to us, then it stops the flow of the Divine Co-Creation within us, through us, and around us. Our egoic minds are typically engaged through a fear mechanism and foundation that is based on and connected to the past.
It has made decisions about experiences you’ve had and then creates belief systems that affect your emotions and manifestations. It disconnects the spiritual Love, Light, inspiration, and ideas that you receive from Divine Source energy.
It thinks it is doing its job by keeping you safe and secure and it alerts the emotions to feel a certain way due to the veils it projects. This creates the frustrations, blocks, and limitations within your life … it stops the flow. You’re not receiving the purity of the energies given to you when your life is based on a foundation of fear.
Through prayer, meditation, and energetic healing and transformation you can resolve and heal the fears that bind you. You can create a new foundation based on Love and the present moment.
When you are meditating and thoughts come through, acknowledge that they are there, let them pass by, and do not resist them (remember what you resist, persists). When you become aware of a belief system that no longer serves you, ask to find out the causal point of your experience (where it originated), why you made certain decisions based on that experience, and how you can forgive and heal the experience. In your meditations, you will receive the answers.

You can then Consciously Choose to utilize meditation and energetic healing methods to heal the past energetics that affect you. In doing so you become aligned with your True nature . . . Love, your desires, and the ability to manifest them. Your creativity can open up and flow into the MORE of who you are and what you want in any aspect of life.
As you consistently practice meditation, it does become easier. My egoic mind use to race at 100 miles an hour but it now looks forward to the break I give it in meditation and I connect with my Higher consciousness – my Divine Mind.
And as you meditate, you can move into the Divine Mind when you have energetically healed the past, conditioning, and programming. This gives you freedom and your creativity can flow in from Universal Source energies which makes it so much easier and fun to manifest what you desire.
Experience easy and profound ways to meditate with the tools of The Diamond Co-Creative System®. It’s what helped me to get really good at meditating, going deep within, and look forward to my meditation each day.
September, we will be utilizing the Diamond Energy Code of Creation! A great one to help you create the flow!
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