Elevate Into Your MORE! Part II

As we continue forth with the understanding of the elements of the MORE, let’s review what Respecting Eternity means. As you stand in the concept of MORE, you stand in the concept of Creator. And as a Creator, you require the energy to allow that which creates the MORE … the Eternity energy.

Eternity is the remembrance, practice, and belief of the infinite, the absoluteness of everything. It is the Oneness and it is the Void of the Unknown leading to expansiveness and the MORE!

You begin with Respecting Eternity by Acknowledging and Accepting that the Universe is infinite. It is only your limited scope or perception which can keep you playing ‘small’ or vibrationally stuck in the same place. Allow your Self to step out of your ‘old’ box and Move Onward into the Unknown even if you’re afraid.


As a Creator within and Co-Creator with others and the Universe, you are living in the vibration of Eternity whether you realize it or not. You are a Creator when you stand in the energy of Eternity to create.

Respect the power of the creative energy of Eternity and equally Respect the intention in which you approach the energy of Eternity. You are a Creator and honor your Self and the Eternity energy as such.

With the Eternity energy, you step into the void of the Unknown, the vastness and the limitless possibilities which the Universe offers you in any given moment. The creative energy of Eternity allows you to embrace what is the destiny, Purpose and outcome you desire and it will assist you to manifest them.

The vibration of the Eternity energy has many access points and they are equal unto each other …
Eternity is the past + present + future.
It is the physical + emotional + mental + spiritual.
It is the Flow of the Etheric + Radiant + Vibrant energy.
It is the vibration of grace, gratitude and groundedness.

As you continue to connect with your Soul’s Essence, you begin to assimilate and integrate the understanding and acceptance that you are an Eternal ‘Be’-ing. Thus, you CAN and ARE always co-creating and manifesting within and through the vibration of Universe’s Eternity energy.

Continue your process, continue your Journey, continue your evolution within the vibration of Eternity. BE the Master Creator that you are within and create through the energy of Eternity!

Here is another Meditation you can utilize to help you Elevate into your MORE:
“I AM Respecting Eternity as a Creator by stepping into co-creating and manifesting my MORE.”

Our desire for you is that you always, and in all ways, Consciously Choose to step into and elevate into your MORE! Many Blessings in your journey …
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