Being in Gratitude for the Past, Present & Future

As we desire to create and manifest the life, relationships, and business that we want, gratitude is a key component in doing so. 

Gratitude is an expansive energy and one of the highest vibrations you can feelGratitude is more than conceptual … it is an energy that can move mountains.

Let’s explore having gratitude of the past. Our past has given us experiences, lessons, and gifts.

If for some reason you’re holding onto the past and don’t see it in a positive way, the only way to move forward into new energy is to embrace and let go of it. And, when you feel gratitude for the lessons and gifts it has brought you, you discover the freedom to move on. This helps you then to expand into your MORE (Moving Onward Respecting Eternity).

If you’re in a place where your ‘conditions’ or ‘circumstances’ are challenging, find one thing or one person (including your loving pet!) that you can be grateful for. What can you feel grateful for even if it’s small? This will help to move you beyond what you’re currently experiencing and opens the doors to new possibilities.

You can also utilize the energy of Gratitude to break the habits of the past such as judging, naysaying, doubting, worrying, controlling, feeling sad, upset, stressed, disempowered or like a victim, and so on.

Invite in the feeling of gratitude for all experiences whether they are positive or negative. Each experience holds a gift of some sort for you. There is a reason for everything and everyone in your life.

FOCUS on what you DO have, not what you don’t or what isn’t. By evoking gratitude and focusing upon what you DO have and the Eternity energy of possibilities, then you can create new habits that will Truly support you in co-creating your MORE.

By feeling gratitude in the present moment, it can help you create a new attitude and vibrationally align to it. It can help you to create and manifest the future you want.

As you set your intentions for the future, give gratitude for it already being done so. It let’s the Universe know you believe in you and you believe the Universe has your back.

Connect with your Soul’s Essence to help you to discover gratitude in all. Your Soul’s Essence is love so it can easily guide you into gratitude. We’ll talk about this more in next week’s free event, Unleash the Power of Your Soul’s Journey!

Feel and know the energy of GRATITUDE!

Here is a Meditation you can use to open the door to gratitude:
“I feel GRATITUDE in all that I AM and all that I co-create in the past, present and future …