‘BE’-ing Connected & Grounded in Your Fullest Potential!

Having a beautiful vision is always great because it gives you direction and inspiration.

BUT if it is not grounded within you as a visceral feeling and knowing, you most likely will not reach your fullest Potential and will tend to waiver when the going gets touch.

And, know that as you reach one level of success, then a new vision comes forth and is being birthed once again. You are ever evolving from one vision to the next which can create trepidation as you rise to your next level.

It is about living and ‘BE’coming the vision in all aspects of your life. This is a call in the Present Moment to be GROUNDED and ‘walk your talk’ within your vision.

It is key to ‘BE’ GROUNDED as you move forward. It is about allowing your Self to feel GRATITUDE for the Past, living in the GRACE of the Present Moment, and ‘BE’ing GROUNDED in the Unknown of the Future. It is allowing your Self to boldly move onward into the Unknown and onto the vista of your new frontier.

GROUNDED is the feeling of ‘BE’-ing connected, centered, and balanced. You take an energetic stance while standing on a solid foundation built on thrival and LOVE … Living Only Vibrant Energy.

You feel GROUNDED and anchored within your Energy Bodies and Unified within your personality/egoic Self and Soul’s Essence. You ‘own’ and manage your energetic fields while feeling connected within and with the Universe and ‘BE’-ing GROUNDED on the planet.

The Etheric energies (your ideas and inspirations) become Radiant energies within you so they are Vibrant energies that you express in the world. As you do this, the energies assimilate, integrate, and Flow easily within you and in all that which you create.

As you commit to vibrationally shift the ‘old’ into the new, there is a change and expansion into a new Consciousness. This creates the ability to let go of the habits of the past … the habits of your ‘old’ thoughts, feelings, beliefs, perceptions, behaviors, and actions that no longer serve you or work for you.

Be in Conscious Awareness when you are reacting due to a habit … it might be a subtle thought, feeling, belief, or perception that really doesn’t make sense anymore because of the vibrational shifts and alignments you have made.

Ask your Self, “Is this really true anymore … do I think, feel, and believe the same way as before, or is this an ‘old’ habit of mine?”

And if yes that it’s still true, then also ask, “Do I have a fear of the Unknown which is getting in my way that keeps me stuck or disempowered?” If so, then make a Conscious Choice and Decision to ‘do the work’ and break the habit, and replace it with a new way of ‘BE’-ing to embrace the Unknown.

When you allow your Self to ‘BE’ and feel GROUNDED in the Unknown despite your fears, you will see beyond your current scope. Your fears of the Unknown will collapse.

This will allow you to step into your fullest Potential. This allows for the next levels of visions, both personally and professionally to be revealed.

You will stand on the edge of the vista of your new frontier. You will be curious, energized, and empowered to step forward into the Unknown and build upon your foundation based upon Love … Living Only Vibrant Energy and your MORE!

Here is a Meditation you can use to help you get grounded in your vision to manifest your fullest Potential:
“I AM GROUNDED in the Unknown of the Future and embrace the Unknown with curiosity and adventure.”